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Harry Potter Xperts Forum » Die Karte des Rumtreibers » Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit » What would you do if you were allowed to Hogwarts? » Hallo Gast [Anmelden|Registrieren]
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Umfrage: What would you do if you were allowed to Hogwarts?
Sign up for quidditch-tryouts. (Wheeeheee!! I'm flying!!!) 211 37.68%
something else... 158 28.21%
Try to make as many friends as possible. (I like everyone, really!) 111 19.82%
Join the Slytherins! (Power rules!!) 61 10.89%
Do a Creevey (grab a camera and follow Harry around)!! 19 3.39%
Insgesamt: 560 Stimmen 100%
Zum Ende der Seite springen What would you do if you were allowed to Hogwarts? 11 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 8,2711 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 8,2711 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 8,27
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This is a very interesting question....mmhh.... Nachdenken ....I think, I would create a Prof. Snape-Fanclub or a Remedial-Potions-Group. (Just to be sure I don´t annoy litte Snapey breites Grinsen )
Erm, Quidditch??? Traurig No, thanks. I think, I would fall of my broom every second I try not to look at little Draco or ol` Snapey.
No, honestly, I have the body of a troll and I´m a coward, why am I supposed to be flying?
And my house would definetly be Slytherin..not because I´m cunning and mean (harr harr breites Grinsen ), I would strangle the Sortinghat to death if it would place me in Gryffindor, Ravenklaw or ..Merlin´s Beard...HUFFLEPUFF!!! (I don´t even want to THINK about me sitting in the Hufflepuff common room...that´s scary )
But maybe..just maybe...I would sneak into the DA and pretend to be Ravenklaw...the Room of Requirements is a very cool room, I guess.

*sigh* I think, I stop now. (Because I´m reading my text and think I am a bit...you know.. Vogel zeigen )

Bye Augenzwinkern
10.08.2004 20:03
Maron S. L.

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I would play Quidditch. I like this play very much!! breites Grinsen Or I would sit in the classrooms and try to learn magic and be a very good student as possible breites Grinsen
my house would be gryffindor or Ravenclaw and I would try to be a good friend to Harry, Ron and Hermione Augenzwinkern

many wishes

Maron L.
13.08.2004 18:42

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I`ll went to the sorting-hat and set him up!

17.08.2004 17:25

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I dunno which house I'D love to belong to. I like all of em and can't say what's my strongest power, so I guess I'd be surprised.
After that I'd try to convince people that Sirius sin't a bad guy. And I suppose I would hang up thousands and thousands of posters of him adn Lupin in my dormitory and would be a pain in the neck for everyonebreites Grinsen *lol*
And I'd adore SevAugenzwinkern He's somehow cute, right?
17.08.2004 18:57

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Yeah, that's really a very interesting question. I think that they wouldn't put me in the Slytherin house, because I'm not evil enough, even if I really like the bad guys like Draco or Snape. I don't in which of the houses I'd get, perhaps Ravenclaw, because everybody says that I'm intelligent Vogel zeigen .... Or Hufflepuff because I help where I can, when I'm not too lazy at this moment Nachdenken ....
And waht would I do?! Hmmm.... First of all I'd really like to learn how to fly and then playing Quidditch and I would want to discover all the grounds of Hogwarts and of course trying my best in getting a really good witch....
Let the magic live!!!!
20.08.2004 11:16

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Hmmm....I'd try to join the slytherins, then I'd start to flirt with snape in the potion-lessons breites Grinsen furthermore I surely would try to play quidditch, but I guess I'd fall off my broom ^^"
20.08.2004 21:28
fifilein fifilein ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 27.06.2004
Alter: 36
Herkunft: living my dream in Southsea, England

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i would try quidditch, i love this sport and i'm not very happy that nobody can play it.

i hope to learn everything and to investigate the whole castle.

and i would have of course the best seven years of my life.

cu fufo


20.08.2004 22:45 fifilein ist offline E-Mail an fifilein senden Beiträge von fifilein suchen Nehme fifilein in deine Freundesliste auf

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I guess I would be in the Gryffindor house- there are a lot of tests on the internet, who said so breites Grinsen -and I would like to have a wand made of unicorn hair, as i love this animals.
My favourite subject would be Charms and Defence against the Dark Arts, but I guess I would be best at The Care of Magical Creatures, as I know the "Caring for Magical Creatures"-Book by heart Fröhlich
But what is for sure: I would be running after Harry all the time, and really MAKING him to go out with me Augenzwinkern
03.09.2004 15:16

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I think I would try to learn spells which tidy up my room because this is something I really hate about being a muggle Böse .
You have to do everything on your own. Wütend
But I also hope that I would not be as successful as Neville in doing magic.

Cu Augenzwinkern

08.09.2004 18:52
AshleyBlack AshleyBlack ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 04.09.2004
Alter: 34
Pottermore-Name: HexCharm94

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I would learn really hard, because I hate it to tidy up my room like a muggle. I also would join the Quidditchteam of my house as a chaser; I want to fly like a bird. Hexe auf Besen
I think, that (I don't know, is that in english????) is very interesting. It would be my favourite subject, like DADA.


08.10.2004 18:16 AshleyBlack ist offline E-Mail an AshleyBlack senden Homepage von AshleyBlack Beiträge von AshleyBlack suchen Nehme AshleyBlack in deine Freundesliste auf

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A good question! breites Grinsen First I would got to my favourite Posion Master breites Grinsen breites Grinsen breites Grinsen and talk very,very much....then I would go to Harry, Hermione and Ron to greet them Grinsen Grinsen
This would be very cool Cool
08.10.2004 18:20

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My English is not so very good(look how old I'm), but I'll try to write the answer in a good way.

Yeah, it's really a good question(and I think its very good to make a place were you aren't allowed to speak german :topGrinsen

I think I would make as many friends as possible. There are many sympatic people in Hogwarts (thanks JKR!). Many people they I would really like and love breites Grinsen !! And I would be a good friend with Harry, I hope that he likes me. Perhaps I would be a little bit jealous (I hope that's the right word) at Harry. Everybody likes him so much (at first). But I wouldn't think that the things what Rita Kimmkorn wirte in the news are right.

And I wouldl be a good pupil. I would make my Homework the most time I think(except Prophecy(I hope that's the right word too)). I think the most teachers would like me. At the test I would have good mark everytime I think.

Good Bye

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von mY_AberForth: 24.10.2004 11:01.

24.10.2004 10:58

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I think it depends on the fact whether I'm a witch or not Zunge raus . If they allow me but I'm still a Muggle, than I don't know at all what to do, but of course,everything changes if I'm a witch Zunge raus .

I don't know where I will be sorterd, I think Slytherin or Ravenclaw... Those tests on the Internet sometimes put me in Ravenclaw, but most of the time I become a slytherin Zunge raus .It's probably because I like the dark arts Zunge raus (no, NOT Voldemort, he isn't dark, he's a stupid fool who is only thinking about himself, I man the Dark ARTS, the Dark science etc.)

Of course I'ld do my homework because it would be FUN! Imagine doing a Transfiguration Essay, how great would it be to just READ that textbook? Homework is even better!
I think my best subject would be Transfiguration, but I'd be pretty good at Defence against the Dark Arts, too... I would also like Charms...
On the other hand, I would be extremely NOT good in Potions. (dead worms, maggots, flies, catarpillars bleeeergh!) I would only be able to make only those potions without dead insects otherwise I'd run screaming from the classroom Zunge raus . Flying lessens also aren't really something I would be good at because I am afraid of heights...

But I think I would study very hard, get good marks but most of all: have fun! So I won't be studying like Hermione,just the normal amount of time Zunge raus .

I don't think I would go and talk immediately to Harry etc, because I already know them, I'd rather go and get to know the un known people...
24.12.2004 05:42

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Hmmm... I don't really know which house I would be in (Who does?). My first two guesses would be Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. I'm not much of a Slytherin - way too nice...
What I'd do? Ummm... good question. My answer was Sing up for the Quidditch team, but I guess I'd also try to make friends and study. On the other hand... discovering Hogwarts and its grounds would be pretty good, too...

@AshleyBlack: It's not exactly Poisons, that's Gifte, means Poions


Happy new year, everyone!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von TheGreyLady: 29.12.2004 15:27.

29.12.2004 15:25

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Well, at first: My English is terrible XD

Well, I think I would be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff and then I would make friends with Ron, Harry & Hermione. Hermione would be my best friend and I had a lot of fun with her.

I would like to do magic and yeah. Well, I have Hermiones wand and he is perfect for me because on J.K.'s Site there is a list about the wood of wands and Hermione's wand is between the September, 2th and September 29th or so and my birthday is on September 26th, it's great, isn't it?

I would love the countryside of Hogwarts. It's so beautiful and yeah I would love the school-uniform <3

Yeah. The End Applaus

03.01.2005 01:06
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