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Harry Potter Xperts Forum » Die Karte des Rumtreibers » Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit » WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan! » Hallo Gast [Anmelden|Registrieren]
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Zum Ende der Seite springen WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan! 2 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 5,50
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Puroduroo Puroduroo ist männlich

Dabei seit: 12.12.2010
Alter: 28
Herkunft: Pagford
Pottermore-Name: AsphodelusFeder99

Achtung WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan! Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden      Zum Anfang der Seite springen

Hey Grinsen
I'm looking for an english-speaking Harry Potter-fan to improve my English by discussing about Harry Potter.
Unfortunately, my English isn't very well and I think that's a good way to learn a language!
So, if anyone is interested, write to me via PN! Grinsen


Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Puroduroo: 09.06.2012 15:18.

08.06.2012 23:37 Puroduroo ist offline E-Mail an Puroduroo senden Beiträge von Puroduroo suchen Nehme Puroduroo in deine Freundesliste auf
HauselfeLilian HauselfeLilian ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 31.12.2011
Alter: 33
Herkunft: Schwobaland
Pottermore-Name: KoboldSchloss27551

RE: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan! Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden      Zum Anfang der Seite springen

Hey ho!

Unfortunately I have no more space for PM's, so I have to answer here.
I think it's even better to write here, because it would be wasteful to create a threat that you don't use Fröhlich
By the way, I think listening to english language is conductive to learn it, because it is hard to understand english people talking in their normal way.
For that you should watch the Harry Potter movies in english. In my opinion they are very easy to understand. It makes a lot of fun! And Hagrid's accent is awesome!

Best regards,


18.06.2012 22:49 HauselfeLilian ist offline Beiträge von HauselfeLilian suchen Nehme HauselfeLilian in deine Freundesliste auf AIM-Name von HauselfeLilian: - YIM-Name von HauselfeLilian: - MSN Passport-Profil von HauselfeLilian anzeigen Skype-Name von HauselfeLilian: -
Puroduroo Puroduroo ist männlich

Dabei seit: 12.12.2010
Alter: 28
Herkunft: Pagford
Pottermore-Name: AsphodelusFeder99

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Puroduroo

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I've seen the Potter-movies soo often in english and It's right, listening to english is even better than only write, but this here is a good start I think! ^^

Btw: Hagrids voice is really unique. breites Grinsen


18.06.2012 23:09 Puroduroo ist offline E-Mail an Puroduroo senden Beiträge von Puroduroo suchen Nehme Puroduroo in deine Freundesliste auf
*Mine Weasley* *Mine Weasley* ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 02.08.2011
Alter: 34

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I think pottermovies are not so difficult to unterstand in english,too. Because the most of potter-fans watched the film sooo often in german ,that they ( whether they could english or not) know the text inside out anyway and so its no problem to watch the films in english breites Grinsen

lots of love Umarmen

Emma Watson: "Hermine hat mich zu einem besseren Menschen gemacht; sie wird immer ein teil von mir sein..." <3

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von *Mine Weasley*: 18.06.2012 23:42.

18.06.2012 23:41 *Mine Weasley* ist offline E-Mail an *Mine Weasley* senden Beiträge von *Mine Weasley* suchen Nehme *Mine Weasley* in deine Freundesliste auf
HauselfeLilian HauselfeLilian ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 31.12.2011
Alter: 33
Herkunft: Schwobaland
Pottermore-Name: KoboldSchloss27551

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Yeah, Mine Weasley is right! Fröhlich
When I watch it in english and some of my friends are coming in, I translate in german while watching because they don't understand a single word! Fröhlich

So, i would be happy to discuss HP in english on this thread, because it would be more fun to discuss with a couple of people and not only via PM Augenzwinkern like I wrote before my in-post is always full breites Grinsen

So, what's the subject we are discussing first? Maybe how the Dursleys behave? That would be a good chance to learn some adjectives like bad, evil, poor, violent and rowdy! breites Grinsen
Because we should save things like horrible, gruesome, sadistic and deranged for Miss-pink-kitty-Umbridge!

Best magical regards Zaubern


19.06.2012 13:27 HauselfeLilian ist offline Beiträge von HauselfeLilian suchen Nehme HauselfeLilian in deine Freundesliste auf AIM-Name von HauselfeLilian: - YIM-Name von HauselfeLilian: - MSN Passport-Profil von HauselfeLilian anzeigen Skype-Name von HauselfeLilian: -
Puroduroo Puroduroo ist männlich

Dabei seit: 12.12.2010
Alter: 28
Herkunft: Pagford
Pottermore-Name: AsphodelusFeder99

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Puroduroo

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Yes, I think it was stupid with the PM! ^^
To write in this thread makes more sense! Augenzwinkern
We can sort the subjects in the order of the books.

As you have said, we should begin with the dursleys ... I hate them! And all the adjectives that you, HauselfeLilian, have used are so appropriate! Fröhlich
Dudley is the most disgusting boy I know xD
Oh ... but Petunia ... somehow I like her ... She's funny, okay, and also nasty to Harry, but Harry I don't like! ^^
Harry is so unkind to his friends! Traurig

Well, now you! Top


19.06.2012 14:40 Puroduroo ist offline E-Mail an Puroduroo senden Beiträge von Puroduroo suchen Nehme Puroduroo in deine Freundesliste auf
HauselfeLilian HauselfeLilian ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 31.12.2011
Alter: 33
Herkunft: Schwobaland
Pottermore-Name: KoboldSchloss27551

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Yap, you can't get worse than Diddy-pumkin! Fröhlich Ahm, maybe Umbridge. She's the character I hate most. But we'll get to that later.

But I think Dudley isn't the worst character of that family at all, because you can see it as "normal" when two boys in this age are fighting against each other. And you can't blame Dudley for beating Harry, because he learned it that way from his parents.

In my opinion the parents are the most terrible people in the world. How can you treat an innocent child in the way they do? They take out their whole anger on Harry. I mean, he's a baby, he's the baby of Petunias sister! And they treat him as if he was a freak or a monster or something other ugly and stupid. Okay, maybe you are a freak in the eyes of a muggle if you are a wizard, but that's really no reason to behave like that.

Do you remember that scene, when aunt Petunia wants to beat him with that pan? This is child abuse! The child welfare office would take Harry from his relatives, if they hear about that. But somehow NOBODY seems to care about poor little Harry in his childhood not even the teachers in school or the neighbours. How could that be? It's impossible that they all theink he's a freak!

Like you see, this is a subject which gets me very emotional Fröhlich I can't see, not even READ about children who are beaten by the people who should care about them.

You can just call me Lil. Everything else takes too much time to write Fröhlich

Best Regards! Winken

edit: And don't say you are stupid! Wütend Augenzwinkern
edit 2: I dont' like Harry, too. I was so angry, when I read Order of the Phoenix! Verärgert


Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von HauselfeLilian: 19.06.2012 17:18.

19.06.2012 17:11 HauselfeLilian ist offline Beiträge von HauselfeLilian suchen Nehme HauselfeLilian in deine Freundesliste auf AIM-Name von HauselfeLilian: - YIM-Name von HauselfeLilian: - MSN Passport-Profil von HauselfeLilian anzeigen Skype-Name von HauselfeLilian: -
Puroduroo Puroduroo ist männlich

Dabei seit: 12.12.2010
Alter: 28
Herkunft: Pagford
Pottermore-Name: AsphodelusFeder99

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Puroduroo

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Oh, yes. In Order of the phoenix Harrys behavior was so idiotic! ^^
And I promise I don't call myself stupid again! Lachen
By chance I read that with the child abuse only yesterday. Because I decide to read all the books again ... for the thousandth time! xD (Can you tell me if I make mistakes in English? ^^ Because I have the feeling that the whole text is wrong. Zunge raus )


19.06.2012 17:39 Puroduroo ist offline E-Mail an Puroduroo senden Beiträge von Puroduroo suchen Nehme Puroduroo in deine Freundesliste auf
HauselfeLilian HauselfeLilian ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 31.12.2011
Alter: 33
Herkunft: Schwobaland
Pottermore-Name: KoboldSchloss27551

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Not only in OdtP! When it's time to do something important, Harry is so dogmatic and bosses just everyone around! But we will come back to that later.

Of course I can correct you. No problem at all. But in my eyes your english is very good.
I'm sometimes perfectionistic in the order of the words in a sentence, but I think you're doing okay Augenzwinkern
The only mistake I found is: decide - it would be decided, because when you started reading yesterday, you didn't decide today to reread everything Augenzwinkern
I reread the books every year in winter, because it is so nice to sit on your couch in front of the heated stove with a cup of tea and lebkuchen and the book, while the snow is falling outside Grinsen Besides I read the whole books in seven days, so somtimes I read them two or three times in winter Fröhlich

I'm really impressed that your english is so good in the age of - *looking* 16?
I mean, I'm on fairs in Paris and writing enlish emails and phoning in english nearly everyday, and I know people doing the same with such horrible language that you are thinking about running against a wall if you hear them.

So, next subject. I think, we are done with the Dursleys in the first book. There is not much to say, than they are horrible!
What do you like to discuss next?
(I know, i write soooooooo much Lachen )



Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von HauselfeLilian: 19.06.2012 18:32.

19.06.2012 18:15 HauselfeLilian ist offline Beiträge von HauselfeLilian suchen Nehme HauselfeLilian in deine Freundesliste auf AIM-Name von HauselfeLilian: - YIM-Name von HauselfeLilian: - MSN Passport-Profil von HauselfeLilian anzeigen Skype-Name von HauselfeLilian: -
Kathi Weasley Kathi Weasley ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 19.09.2010
Pottermore-Name: MantelSnidget18582

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I'm sorry for intervening in your disscussion, but I wanted to know, if I could attend your talk?

In my opinion Harrys' behaviour in the fifth book is really unfriendly. Though it was not his friends' fault, that he had been alone all time long in the holidays, he's shouting at them. That's not what I would call 'friendly'.

But that's not the topic at the moment.
Like I saw, you are talking about the Dursleys now?
Like you, Puroduroo, I think, too, that Petunia is maybe most pleasant of this family. Probably Dudley is also not as bad as he seems, because in the end he's nice to Harry, though he has been nasty along all these years.

Kind regards,


19.06.2012 18:31 Kathi Weasley ist offline Beiträge von Kathi Weasley suchen Nehme Kathi Weasley in deine Freundesliste auf
Puroduroo Puroduroo ist männlich

Dabei seit: 12.12.2010
Alter: 28
Herkunft: Pagford
Pottermore-Name: AsphodelusFeder99

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Puroduroo

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You have not interrupted us. Every user is welcome! breites Grinsen
And I'm glad that you've the same opinion about Long-neck-Petunia! ^^


19.06.2012 19:12 Puroduroo ist offline E-Mail an Puroduroo senden Beiträge von Puroduroo suchen Nehme Puroduroo in deine Freundesliste auf
Kathi Weasley Kathi Weasley ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 19.09.2010
Pottermore-Name: MantelSnidget18582

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Thanks. breites Grinsen
You've forgotten to mention that she has a face like a horse (like Harry told us a few times^^).

What about talking about ?
I know that theme is disscussed very often and I'm sure that you would find a thread about it here, but I like this topic.
It's your decision. Augenzwinkern


19.06.2012 20:35 Kathi Weasley ist offline Beiträge von Kathi Weasley suchen Nehme Kathi Weasley in deine Freundesliste auf
Puroduroo Puroduroo ist männlich

Dabei seit: 12.12.2010
Alter: 28
Herkunft: Pagford
Pottermore-Name: AsphodelusFeder99

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Puroduroo

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Yes, I think we are through with the subject. (Can I say that in English?)
And yes, I think the next subject should be "The Wesleys"! ^^
Okay, Kathi, You begin, because of your name!! xD


19.06.2012 20:48 Puroduroo ist offline E-Mail an Puroduroo senden Beiträge von Puroduroo suchen Nehme Puroduroo in deine Freundesliste auf
Kathi Weasley Kathi Weasley ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 19.09.2010
Pottermore-Name: MantelSnidget18582

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Yes, I think, you can.
But you could also say (in my opinion): "I think we finished the disscussion about this subject."
Although it's nearly the same as you said, but it's maybe good to know other opportunities. Of course, your version is right, too.

That's exactly what I suspected... Fröhlich
Okay. So the Weasleys are a very big family, like we know.
Maybe I should list them:
Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny.
So I think, you began with the first book, didn't you?
What about asking, passage with the Weasley family you like most? And , of course, too, because that's good practice for you, if you want to learn something. Augenzwinkern


19.06.2012 21:02 Kathi Weasley ist offline Beiträge von Kathi Weasley suchen Nehme Kathi Weasley in deine Freundesliste auf
Puroduroo Puroduroo ist männlich

Dabei seit: 12.12.2010
Alter: 28
Herkunft: Pagford
Pottermore-Name: AsphodelusFeder99

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Puroduroo

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I love all the preparations for the wedding of Fleur and Bill! Augenzwinkern
It's so funny, because you can actually feel the stress wich Mrs Weasley creates meanwhile! ^^ I love Mrs Weasley. She's such a great and lovely person and ... yes sometimes she's annoying but ... It's just ! Augenzwinkern
Oh, and I think that Rupert Grint is a great actor and the perfect man for the role as Ron! xD
Although it has nothing to do directly with the Weasleys, but I had to say^^

Now have fun reading my hieroglyphics! xD


19.06.2012 22:45 Puroduroo ist offline E-Mail an Puroduroo senden Beiträge von Puroduroo suchen Nehme Puroduroo in deine Freundesliste auf
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