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Rain of Roses

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Hey everyone ... my thought for thist thread was a List with book tips for a lot of very good books for non native english speakers, like me breites Grinsen ... besides Harry Potter of course XD

So I will start with the only one (book) I read in English .... It's "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer... I think a lot of girls know that book, but nevertheless I will give you a short introduction ...

"Twilight" is a book, written by Stephenie Meyer in 2007. The story is about a girl, who lives in Pheonix (USA) at the beginning of the book, together with her mom. Because of the fact, that her mother fell in love with a sportsman and they are going to travel a lot in the US, Isabella Swan decides to go to Forks, a small town in Washington, to live there together with her dad. Although it was Bellas own dicision to go to Forks she isn't really happy there... till her first schoolday, were (or when) she saw (met) Edward for the first time. But she doesn't know is, that Edward is a vampire.... The book goes on with a tender love story between Bella and Edward which is charged with a lot of problems and self-doubts.........
Twilight is a book with a lot of houmur szenes (a laugh a lot) and it's full of romance (I also cry a lot) and in the end it's getting more and more thrilling.

Twilight is the first book of a series of three books (till this moment), the second one is called "New Moon" and the third one is called "Eclipse". I heard some rumoures, that Stephenie Meyer will write a fourth book, which get published in August... but I were on Stephenies website and coudn't find the titel of the fourth book, I hope you can exuse me XD

Now I'm reading the second book "New Moon" and it is also fantastic.

These book are very easy to handle. I understand the most things, I don't want say, that I understand it all, but I think I understand the most important phrases and I think it's a good book to get in, into the world of "in english written books" breites Grinsen

wishes, Rain of Roses
29.04.2008 21:08

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hey Zunge raus

@Rain of Roses: as you can see, i also love the twilight series! i'm really addicted to them breites Grinsen there will be a fourth book on August 2nd called "Breaking Dawn" and it's the last one. But there will also be "midnight sun", which has the same plot as twilight but is written from edward's point of view.

one of my favourite english authors is sophie kinsella... she's probably not very famous in german areas but her books are really good.
just as an example there is "can you keep a secret"
it's about a girl called emma, who tells all her secrets to a stranger in a plane, when she thinks they're going down. it happens that this man, jack, is one of the founders of the company emma works for and he comes to london to control the british part of the company. so it's really embarrasing for emma to see him again. but jack starts to get intrested in her and tries to help her to fix her life, although she didn't ask him to.
so it's very romantic lovestory about how much your partner needs to know when you're in a relationship. it was an easy read and i don't think it's more difficult than twilight or harry potter but it's definitely a girl's book Augenzwinkern

If you're male or don't like fluffy lovestories try john grisham. his books are really exciting, but they're more difficult to read an have a more complicated plot.

cheers Winken
30.04.2008 16:10

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Hey everyone

First, really good topic. It´s a good idea to read books in English if you are not a native speaker (like me Grinsen ) and I improved a lot in English since I read books in English.

Twilight is my favourite book, and I´d advice it for everybody who wants a easy read for people that don´t read English all the time. It´s easy to understand and of course, the story is soooo romantic breites Grinsen .

I don´t really know so many books in English besides Harry Potter and the Twilight series, but one of the few others I read, , written by Emily Bronte (not related to the topic, but does anyone know how to type an e with two dots on it? And how to pronounciate this weird letter? Thx Fröhlich ). The story in Wuthering Heights is mostly a love story, but not just for girls. It´s dark and cruel, and the characters are REALLY mad, cruel and very very interesting. But this book is for advanced readers only, the language of the book is really old and hard to read sometimes. The plot is sometimes hard to follow, but that´s just my view. Try out by yourselves Augenzwinkern

Have fun with your books, no matter what book, and hopefully I could help some of you.

05.05.2008 15:02
Christina McQueen Christina McQueen ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 29.07.2007
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I love to read. I also read the twilight series and I really love them.
Fantasy is what interests me most so I also read Lord of the Rings. Not just that Tolkien is an awsome writer, no I think everybody should have read this books either in german or english or spanish or whatever ^.^
I read the "Sword of Truth" Series by Terry Goodkind (11 books)
short synopsis:
"" -

I also like thrillers so I read all Dan Brown Books as well.
Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine(her pseudonym) is a great author as well, she wrote many many thrillers and stuff and it's really great. but people who are full of prejudices shouldn't read her books because she sometimes has gays in her stories or somthing similar.

one example (may fav of her)
"" -

I'll add some more but not now Augenzwinkern


05.05.2008 15:04 Christina McQueen ist offline E-Mail an Christina McQueen senden Homepage von Christina McQueen Beiträge von Christina McQueen suchen Nehme Christina McQueen in deine Freundesliste auf MSN Passport-Profil von Christina McQueen anzeigen
Clarice Clarice ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 15.03.2006
Alter: 33
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Best book in the world Augenzwinkern By the way, I always copy the e with the double spots on it from MS word Augenzwinkern
alright, back to topic: Wuthering Heights is really the best book I'ver ever read. It's a tale about love and hate and good and evil. Actually no character in the book is just good or just evil Augenzwinkern Heathcliff and Cathy are one of the most famous tragic couples in literature. And Catherine and Hareton are one of the sweetest. Grinsen

An other awesome book ... well, actually play is "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw. The Musical My Fair Lady is based on this play and the story goes like this: Professor Henry Higgins bets that he can make a duchess out of the flower girl, Liza Doolittle. He teaches her to speak proper English (with out the Cockney accent) and he teaches her manners and good behavior.
The Story is funny, tragic and also profound. For the message of it, let me give you a quote: "The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she’s treated"

But, I guess the reclam version is the best, because "Pygmalion§ includes slang and cockney phrases, which are quite hard to understand if you do not no them Augenzwinkern


12.07.2008 19:12 Clarice ist offline E-Mail an Clarice senden Homepage von Clarice Beiträge von Clarice suchen Nehme Clarice in deine Freundesliste auf

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Hi there

I´d like to recommend the books written by a US-American/Canadian author: Thomas King.
He is of Cherokee, Greek and German descent. Ph.D. King has taught Native Studies and literature at several universities.
If you like Native North Americans and humorous views of religion and culture (nevertheless he casts a critical eye over US-American and Canadian Native policy ... think of the "American Indian Movement")
it´s best to start with King´s books.

My favourite is "Green Grass, Running Water".

Absolutely worth reading:
"Medicine River"
"A Coyote Columbus Story"
"Truth & Bright Water"
20.07.2008 02:01
living luna

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I love reading, and especially English books. And there are so many. Just to name some good ones.

I adore Jane Austen, and I know most people can't stand that. My favourit book is Pride and Prejudice. Here is a short summary: Well, I must say that this is a book you must get used to. The use of language is not very common (it's old English), but I think that reading it will improve you're English skills a lot.

Another book which I enjoyed really much, and can only advise to other people is The Lost Years of Merlin by T.A. Barron. This is not a love story, but a fantasy story. There are five books, and it's really interesting. It's really different from Harry Potter.

Another great book, one of my absolute favourits is Beware, Princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer. A sort summary:

@ Rain of Roses: If you want to read more English books, why don't you just buy the books you normaly would buy in German in English? Some more tipps to improve your English are: listen English cd's, just start with Harry Potter, this way you also will learn more about pronounciation. And it's also very usefull to watch English films, but you'd better not mix American and British English if you're trying to learn one correct language.

Living Luna
20.07.2008 12:29
Schattenfee Schattenfee ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 20.04.2008
Herkunft: Stadt der träumenden Bücher

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The first book I've read in english was "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" I think everyone here knows this book Fröhlich
I also read the Twilight-books in English. I really liked the first three, but Breaking Dawn was... Böse Wütend


06.10.2008 15:51 Schattenfee ist offline E-Mail an Schattenfee senden Homepage von Schattenfee Beiträge von Schattenfee suchen Nehme Schattenfee in deine Freundesliste auf
squirrel squirrel ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 22.11.2007
Alter: 33
Herkunft: Freiberg (Sachsen), und eigentlich auch immer noch Berlin

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I think this is a very good topic.
I'm sure nobody would like it to be critizised for his language and I'm not going to do this, but I would be really thankful if you named my mistakes, just to improve my English. Augenzwinkern

I really like "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien in English because they are funnier and easier to read than I thought. But I don't know whether somebody who doesn't know these books in German would think the same way, because knew them very well (having read them three or more times) before I first read Tolkien's books in English.

The Twilight series: I like them very much but I cannot read them in English. Don't know why, I guess it's because of Stephenie Meyer's American English.
@all the Twilight-readers: You can read this... Top I'm impressed.


08.10.2008 19:20 squirrel ist offline E-Mail an squirrel senden Beiträge von squirrel suchen Nehme squirrel in deine Freundesliste auf

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I´m glad i found my way here. Tolkiens books are really fantastic but also Wuthering Heights. Unfortunately its the only Book she wrote before she died. But her sisters wrote very good books, too. F. e. Jane Eyre or The Tenant of Wildfell Hall are also amazing books.

Maybe someone has already heard of . Its the first of five books (at the moment. More will follow) It´s the story of Laurence and his dragon Temeraire. But it´s not like Eragon or al the other dragon books. Imagine the time, Napoleon tried to over run Europe. Everything is as in these old history books at school, but sudenly there are dragons. They are the `flying warriors´. And one of them is Temeraire. The story is really amazing. And reading in english is not as difficult as I thought

15.10.2008 14:48
Bella13 Bella13 ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 01.01.2008
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Reading "Twilight" or the three other books from Stephenie Meyer in english is very difficult, I think. I don't know why, but I tried it and it was difficult. And usually my english is good enough to read books like this. For example, I read "Romeo and Juliet" in english. I just love the last sentences: "The morning has brought a grey kind of peace. The sun, from sadness, will not shine at all today. There was never a sadder story than this story of Romeo and Juliet."
And I also read the third Harry Potter book in english, when I was 12.


14.03.2009 22:24 Bella13 ist offline E-Mail an Bella13 senden Beiträge von Bella13 suchen Nehme Bella13 in deine Freundesliste auf
fifilein fifilein ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 27.06.2004
Alter: 36
Herkunft: living my dream in Southsea, England

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actually, i read all my books in english. and though my english is still not perfect, i am quite proud of it. i always keep saying that i learned english by reading the books, not by going to school breites Grinsen the first book ever that i read in english was actually harry potter and the philosohpers stone. i was about 12 years old or something like that. wow that was almost a decade ago breites Grinsen i feel pretty old breites Grinsen

well, books that i can recomend Augenzwinkern actually everything that you like Zunge raus my favourites are for example

mystic river by dennis lehane.
this book is pure perfection. it is actually my favourite book, because it has so many layers and the characters are so well written. books by dennis lehane, my favourite author, are actually quite easy to read. i think everyone knows the story. despite this a short summary:

the constant gardener by john lecarre
my second favourite author. the story is very catchy (everyone who has seen the film, has to agree Augenzwinkern ) and you suffer with the main character justin. you just want him to find peace. i love leCarre's africa novels. i love it how he describes life, nature and people there. a short summary


actually, i dont quite understand why you actually understood romeo and juliet and not twilight. the sentences in twilight are actually not quite complex and difficult. compared to romeo and juliet breites Grinsen i read this book too and thought that it was quite difficult to follow the storyline, because most of the time it is just "liebesgesülze" (couldnt find a proper english term) and nothing about the story. and when there is just stuff like that all the time i tend to read the important parts over, just because i dont pay enough attention.


16.03.2009 19:49 fifilein ist offline E-Mail an fifilein senden Beiträge von fifilein suchen Nehme fifilein in deine Freundesliste auf

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My first english book was Deathly Hallows which i liked so much that i bought only english books from then on ^^

I also read twilight (,new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn and midnight sun) and i LOVED it. I prefer american english 'cause it's more easy-going... but if you are still a student i advise to stick with the british version because its easy to fall into the nasty habit to use american slang in your class tests (and I'm willing to bet that does not please your teacher very much breites Grinsen )

Unfortunately ALL my favourite books are written in american English (except for Harry Potter, of course)
Here are some of my recommendations:

1. Scott Westerfeld's Uglies-Series (Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras)
They are teen-books which are quet lovely and easy to understand

2. The House of Night Series by P.C. Cast + Kristen Cast
which i would recommend to any english-reader-beginner

3. the Host by stephenie Meyer (I love her books!)
That's a little bit more mature than twilight and the best alien-invasion story i ever read breites Grinsen

Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact and continue their lives apparently unchanged. Most of humanity has succumbed.

When Melanie, one of the few remaining "wild" humans is captured, she is certain it is her end. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, was warned about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the glut of senses, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.

Wanderer probes Melanie's thoughts, hoping to discover the whereabouts of the remaining human resistance. Instead, Melanie fills Wanderer's mind with visions of the man Melanie loves—Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she has been tasked with exposing. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on a dangerous and uncertain search for the man they both love.

4. The black dagger Brotherhood by J.R.Ward (especially for those who, like me, have an obsession with vampires Augenzwinkern )

The series (there are seven books) focuses on six vampire brothers and warriors who live together and defend their race against Lessers, de-souled humans who threaten their kind. And each of them has his own, unique lovestory to tell which is absolutely worth reading!

I also love Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet and A Midsummernight's dream

and a couple of days ago i've read afterlife by douglas clegg, it was quet... interesting ^^

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von ~Miss-.-mini:*me~: 12.04.2009 22:20.

12.04.2009 22:17
vampire vampire ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 24.03.2009
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my favourite books are twilight, new mon, eclipse and breaking dawn from stephenie meyer Augenzwinkern
first I read them in german and later in english now and I prefer the english versions.

to know the future, return to the past!
23.04.2009 16:56 vampire ist offline E-Mail an vampire senden Beiträge von vampire suchen Nehme vampire in deine Freundesliste auf
Mme_Maxime Mme_Maxime ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 25.07.2007
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Pottermore-Name: UnicornStar9599

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I recently discovered the historical novels set in Tudor-England by Philippa Gregory and I just love them.
So far I've read The Boleyn Inheritance, The Queen's Fool and The Constant Princess. The Virgin's Lover and The Other Queen are already waiting in my book shelf, and I've watched the movie The Other Boleyn Girl in English (I read the book first, but in German Augenzwinkern )

I also like to read the Twilight novels in English, because I love the simple, modern style of it. It's really written in a "speaking-style" and that's awesome. (And I don't have to bother myself with the stupid German translations, when they translated "truck" with "Transporter" and "AP-class" with "College-Vorbereitungskurs" Fröhlich )

Also, of course, I've read the last Harry Potter book in English, because I simply didn't want to wait until it came out in German. And The Tales of Beedle The Barde I read in English, too breites Grinsen
When I was in Texas, I had to read Romeo and Juliet, but not the "modern" translation. We read the old original text, which was so hard!!! But we had a "side-by-side" version, so one one page the old text and on the ohter page the modern text. I liked the story very much, especially in the modern-version movie with Leo DiCaprio breites Grinsen

Oh, and I almost forgot: my favourite English books are the ones from the Gossip Girl series by Cecily von Ziegesar. I just love, love, love those books, they're AWESOME!!!!! And It's so much fun to read because of the slang it's written in Fröhlich (Well, not really bad slang, but the way you really talk when you live in the U.S., which is very cool!)

All right... I've read some ohter english books, but those are about my favourites Augenzwinkern


23.04.2009 17:23 Mme_Maxime ist offline E-Mail an Mme_Maxime senden Beiträge von Mme_Maxime suchen Nehme Mme_Maxime in deine Freundesliste auf
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