Oh I didn't wrote in the last time, too. I'm sorry!
mmh...I know that in HP6 the trafalger square is in and there I was too. other places I don't know, but perhaps you will find the telephone house from HP5 where the entrance to the ministry is. I'm not sure but I think that I walked on the Street which you see in the background in this scene in the movie. It must be in the near of trafalger square.
oh! yes I know Twilight!!! I read all the books in german but nowly I read the first 264 pages from midnight sun from the internet in english. I love the books!! They are great!! But i find the movie is not so good, because they take so much away. The realisation from book to film made warner bros. with harry potter much better. Althogh Twilight film is unfotunatly good too.