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Harry Potter Xperts Forum » Die Karte des Rumtreibers » Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit » The HBP Experience Part 1 » Hallo Gast [Anmelden|Registrieren]
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Hi everyone!

I thought it would be fun to 'do' the HBP Experience on this forum... I'd have liked to post it in the HBP boards, but I can't translate everything in German and my mother doesn't want to, so I post it in here.

Okay, basically the HBP Experience is: 'Mapping the entire experience of waiting for the book, predicting what's going to happen, how it is to actually read it after such a long wait and finally, what you thought about it.'
Why? Because it's FUN to read afterwards!
I organized it already one time, and it's really great to read it afterwards, so I hope everyone will join in? (A)

It consists out of 4 parts, but the first part (tell what's going to happen in HBP, according to you) interferes with the Sybil Trelawny contest held on this forum (Or doesn't it?? I didn't understand the explanation). So, we're going to start immediately with the second part, but I'll call that part one for the convenience.
I hope the Moderators will allow me to post the third and fourth part in a seperate thread? I hope so Augenzwinkern .

I know there's not much time left, but does it matter? I don't think so...

Someone's got questions? Just post them.

How I surive the next few days? NOT. I think about '' all the time, I can already imagine myself reading the book... I dream at night that I have the book, I dream that I meet JKR on a family party, I dream about HPO'ers (people from my Dutch Harry Potter forum)-- It seems Harry Potter is stuck in my thoughts Augenzwinkern . I know it's not normal, but this time is the first time I really a book release... The last time I didn't want to read it until my birthday (10-09) because I was too lazy to spend money on it and ended up picking berries non stop for two weeks to earn enough maony to buy the book. However, I sdtill did not read it immediately when it was released and I knew already that Sirius would be dying, so it wasn't a great 'experience'. Now I REALLY experience it, now I don't have to stay awake until 12 ó clock and think "Now everyone's got their book... And I'm going to sleep". This time I know I'll be getting the book at midnight, that I can start reading right away... And hope I'll fall asleep on the book, hehehe Augenzwinkern . It's such a nice idea...

I'm nervous... Well, I don't really think so, you'd better describe it with... HBP itching (The Dutch is "HBP Kriebels-- I don't know the English word). It's just that I feel a kind of itch somewhere, but I'm not exactly nervous... It's an HBP itch Zunge raus .
I've already started with re-reading the books, I've read part 1 &2, part 3 not yet and 4 neither, but I'm now reading part 5 and takign notes of it. Why do I read them while I know them already by haert? Uhm... Just ti 'fresh up' my memory a bit? And it's fun Augenzwinkern .

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von ChingChuan: 11.07.2005 09:41.

10.07.2005 22:15

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Fröhlich I don't think I survive the next days ... Fröhlich

But well, I'm trying my best not to think that the new book is coming out in a few days ... Ã can't believe it - is it really Sathurday??? Geschockt
To keep myself bussy, I'm reading a lot of english books (so I will be prepared for HP 6)
I have already holidays which means that most of my friends are somewhere on a beach. (So what ells than reading can I do?)
I don't re-read the HP-books, that would make me to nervous ... and after this long time I really can't hear always the same HP- stories ... I need something new to think about ... Augenzwinkern

This will be a very loooong week ... Unglücklich

PS: I hope my english is understandable (what it should be after all this english books) Keine Ahnung

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Aydan: 10.07.2005 22:50.

10.07.2005 22:49
Marguerida Marguerida ist weiblich


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I'm reading a lot English Harry Potter Fanfiction to survive the time ^^.
11.07.2005 10:37 Marguerida ist offline E-Mail an Marguerida senden Homepage von Marguerida Beiträge von Marguerida suchen Nehme Marguerida in deine Freundesliste auf
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