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I love english books. they're more authentic because you read exactly what the author has written.Grinsen
I love both ! they're just so awesome written and very thrilling!
The first book of the mortal instruments is city of bones. it's about the 16 year old clary fray who meets the shadowhunters jace, alec and izzy. nearly at once she is involved in many supernatural events and finds out that she is also a shadowhunter. Meanwhile her mother is kidnapped and its clear that the supernatural forces play a big role. with the help of the shadowhunters she tries to get her mother back but also has to handle with her feelings about jace and her best friend simon. it plays in new york.

The infernal devices are about the ancestors of the shadowhunters of city of bones, etc. the series starts with clockwork angel. shape-changer tessa travels with the ferry from new york to old victorian london. her expected brother doesn't appear and instead she is brought by two warlock sisters to a hidden place, where she has to practise her ability of shape shifting under painful conditions. but then, she is rescued by the shadowhunters jem and Will who take her to the institute. together with them she tries to find out about her past and the source of her ability. meanwhile she is more and more attracted by Will but also feels more than just friendship towards Jem.

The books are really fetching and also funny. Beside Hp they're my absolute favourite books!


Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Jane_Bennet: 22.07.2011 14:40.

22.07.2011 13:54
Lucia Lucia ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 09.05.2004
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I just started reading them recently, but I really can recommend by Jim Butcher.
I love reading Detective-fiction, especially Noir-Fiction like the Phillip Marlowe stories by Raymond Chandler. But I also love reading stories about magic (Harry Potter, of course, but also "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell", also very recommendable!), and the two of them are combined in the stories of Harry Dresden and his cases in Chicago.

The books by Terry Pratchett are also very funny, but I guess that isn't a secret anymore. Grinsen But with all funny books, the English original is always better than the German translation.


22.07.2011 14:12 Lucia ist offline E-Mail an Lucia senden Homepage von Lucia Beiträge von Lucia suchen Nehme Lucia in deine Freundesliste auf MSN Passport-Profil von Lucia anzeigen
Labella Labella ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 28.07.2011
Alter: 32

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I have read a lot of English or American books so far and there are many others that I really like but I totally love J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye", I am sure most of you know it. I guess, it is one of my all-time favorite books. Grinsen

Moreover, I kind of like Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" but also more modern novels, for instance, Nick Hornby's "Slam".


09.08.2011 14:06 Labella ist offline Beiträge von Labella suchen Nehme Labella in deine Freundesliste auf
Alatarielle Alatarielle ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 16.10.2011
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Herkunft: München

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currently I'm reading George R. R. Martin series. I'm at book 4 right now. They are really good, but some of the stuff in there is pretty graphic.

Other than that, if you love Potter, you'll love Percy Jackson. The first one of the series is. There are 5 books in the first series and they are all amazing. Witty and sarcastic humour! A clever plot and cool characters.

I'd also recommand John Green. I'd say is my favorite of his. But I also love .
16.10.2011 23:49 Alatarielle ist offline E-Mail an Alatarielle senden Homepage von Alatarielle Beiträge von Alatarielle suchen Nehme Alatarielle in deine Freundesliste auf Skype-Name von Alatarielle: franzinzl
Mimbulus Mimbeltonia Mimbulus Mimbeltonia ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 28.09.2011
Alter: 30

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I kind of loved "The Great Gatsby" what we read in school.

But I think "Peter Pan" will always remain my favourite English book because it is written so beautifully.
I also really liked Alice in Wonderland although it makes me confused everytime I read it. Fröhlich


17.10.2011 19:35 Mimbulus Mimbeltonia ist offline E-Mail an Mimbulus Mimbeltonia senden Homepage von Mimbulus Mimbeltonia Beiträge von Mimbulus Mimbeltonia suchen Nehme Mimbulus Mimbeltonia in deine Freundesliste auf
sweetdark sweetdark ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 03.12.2010
Alter: 27
Herkunft: Gallifrey
Pottermore-Name: CentaurSky39

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My favourite English books are , and at the time.

I only read the third, fourth and fifth volume of the tunnel series in English, but they're really, really good and with a good dictionary, I think, everyone with basic English knowledge can read English books Scheinheilig .
Pride & Prejudice is sometimes a little bit difficult to understand, because there are many not-often-used words in it, but Sherlock Holmes is brilliant!


17.10.2011 21:43 sweetdark ist offline E-Mail an sweetdark senden Beiträge von sweetdark suchen Nehme sweetdark in deine Freundesliste auf
lenkpflaume lenkpflaume ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 27.11.2011
Alter: 29
Herkunft: hogsmeade
Pottermore-Name: MarauderLight207

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I loved the Catcher in the Rye. It's just so..classy Cool

I also enjoyed reading the great gatsby..such a great novel. You know, they're going to release a new movie next year with leonardo di caprio as jay?

well, I'm in the classic literature, for sure. There is so much to discover and to learn. I just finished reading by John Steinbeck. It was hard to get into the story, but in the end I quite liked it. I liked how the characters all spoke in this colloquial language and after reading it, my head was full of "aint's" and "purty's" and "somepin's". So I wouldn't recommend it to people who aren't confident english readers. It could be too hard.

SO other great english books, as mentioned before: or jane austen novels (I have to admit I'd never read one in english), but I can highly recommend to anyone who likes english 18th century novels.

I didn't enjoy Hemingway, I think this is a book, more suited for boys and when I was younger I read the series by philip pullman, maybe rather known as the northern lights.

"Another sweater from Mum...maroon ... see if you've got one"

08.03.2012 22:27 lenkpflaume ist offline E-Mail an lenkpflaume senden Beiträge von lenkpflaume suchen Nehme lenkpflaume in deine Freundesliste auf
sweetdark sweetdark ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 03.12.2010
Alter: 27
Herkunft: Gallifrey
Pottermore-Name: CentaurSky39

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I have found a new series that I really like. It's called "" von Ben Aaronovitch. I've read the first volume in german and the second one ("") in English and I have to admit that the jokes are better to understand in German, but the first volume is really totally funny. The second isn't as good at the first, but also good to read. I have already bought the third part and haven't read it yet.
It's a magical criminal series:


27.08.2013 15:41 sweetdark ist offline E-Mail an sweetdark senden Beiträge von sweetdark suchen Nehme sweetdark in deine Freundesliste auf
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