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Harry Potter Xperts Forum » Die Karte des Rumtreibers » Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit » The Movies in Original Version » Hallo Gast [Anmelden|Registrieren]
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Umfrage: Are the english Harry Potter films better, than the german ones?
yes 355 77.34%
oh...ask me something I can answer clearly... 80 17.43%
no 24 5.23%
Insgesamt: 459 Stimmen 100%
Zum Ende der Seite springen The Movies in Original Version 8 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 7,888 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 7,888 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 7,88
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Chiyo Rabeah

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, my mother Harry Potter, that is !
But, what a luck... I have my own DVD- Player and I can watch when, what and in which language I want Applaus

Oh, I love this Thread ^^ More english Threads please Zunge raus
11.12.2003 19:27
Gandalf der Weiße

RE: Films in original version Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden      Zum Anfang der Seite springen

I like the English HP films.
The voices of the characters are(often)better then in german.
11.12.2003 21:06
Padma Padma ist weiblich
Lehrerin im Ruhestand


Dabei seit: 08.11.2003
Herkunft: Herzogenaurach

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*lol* Me too, I hope the third film will be loads better than the other films (not that they're bad). But I think the third film will be one of the best films I'll ever see breites Grinsen breites Grinsen
14.12.2003 15:34 Padma ist offline E-Mail an Padma senden Beiträge von Padma suchen Nehme Padma in deine Freundesliste auf

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I have seen both, the 1st one and the 2nd one, both in german, and both in english, I think in english they are quite better than in german, because, the voices souds better, and of course I understood everything...
If you havent seen them before in engish: PLEASE WATCH THEM !!!!
Wütend Wütend Wütend Top Top Top THEY ARE REALLY GOOD !!!! breites Grinsen
15.12.2003 19:56

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*Warning* Hey, guys, you've been (is this the right tense?) a bit offtopic, so I had to "erase" them! Please don't talk about such things in this thread because there is already another one (now, sorry, I've to correct me). Thanks.

As a fan of Alan Rickman I must say that I prefer the English films because then you're able to enjoy his wonderful voice. *faint* Augenzwinkern But especially at the second one the voices of Daniel and Rupert are much better because you notice the change of their voices. In German they sound like 5-years old boys. Disgusting (<---I love this word). By the way I always watch films in Original Version, one time in German and then the Original (even in French). At my oppinion are the films much better.
And the best of it: You improve your English. Fantastic.
30.12.2003 20:50
Padma Padma ist weiblich
Lehrerin im Ruhestand


Dabei seit: 08.11.2003
Herkunft: Herzogenaurach

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Sorry Olympe! I didn't mean to! Unglücklich Thanks you erased the posts!

What you said about the english movies is exactly what I think. You improve your english and you can hear the original voices *g*.
Yesterday, I watched Lord of the Rings in english, and it was better than in german too. I think I'll watch the next Harry Potter in english first. There are too much things speaking for the original version by now. Top I hope the cinema in my neighbour town shows the OV Verwirrt
But I'll see.
30.12.2003 21:44 Padma ist offline E-Mail an Padma senden Beiträge von Padma suchen Nehme Padma in deine Freundesliste auf

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17.04.2004 22:20
Luna24 Luna24 ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 17.12.2003
Alter: 42
Herkunft: Schleswig-Holstein

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I like watching the english movies, because the voices are much better than the german ones. And there are some mistakes in the translation, I think. Especially in the second movie!
I have the two movies on DVD, and I like the DVDs, because so I can choose myself which language I want. You can watch the first movie in dutch, too, but I can't speak dutch.
It's a pity that the DVDs are a little bit more expensive than a video cassette, but it's worth it.


28.05.2004 00:22 Luna24 ist offline E-Mail an Luna24 senden Beiträge von Luna24 suchen Nehme Luna24 in deine Freundesliste auf
Metheglin Metheglin ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 13.04.2004
Alter: 36
Herkunft: Rödermark

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I really enjoy, watching the movies in english
The last time I put the in my DVD-Player I was rather shocked how ugly and childish all the kids sounded in the german version
Especially Harry and Ron
I was sitting in front of my TV and all I could think was: URGS Pfui
Lockhart looses a lot of his charm and foolishness in the german version and of course Alan Rickmans amazing sleeky whisper is missing
There runs a shower down my back everytime I hear him say the line: "turn to page 394"
The german version of the new Harry Potter movie is a lot better but still can not keep up with the original version (Well, can you tell me one single movie where the synchronised version is better than the original?)
I was pleased by Harrys new voice (it bothered me that Rons voice still sounded so weezy squeezy high)
And even Snape's voice improved a lot

But for me personally, I will allways prefer the OV
15.06.2004 18:12 Metheglin ist offline E-Mail an Metheglin senden Homepage von Metheglin Beiträge von Metheglin suchen Nehme Metheglin in deine Freundesliste auf
Serverus Snape

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I like the english ones more than the german ones, because the english voices go better with the charakters, the german synchronization is often terrible.
15.06.2004 18:23

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I love the english movies, because the voice form Alan Rickman are soooo sexy breites Grinsen
16.06.2004 12:19
Emeralde Greene

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I absolutely prefer the English versions. I'm an absolute maniac for things like dialects and pronounciations and in these movies you'll get to hear the most beautiful dialects (to me anyway). Plus, Alan Rickman has such a sexy voice. *drool* Although I think they've done quite a good job on his synch, I am not really sure what to think of the others.

Take Hermoine's voice, in the original she has that sort of airy touch to herself, which I find completely lacking in the German versions. She just doesn't have that lecturing tone in German. And as for Ron's voice, he's just adorable in English whereas in German, well, it just doesn't click for me...

It's a shame I can't go and see the movies in English once they're on the big screen, because there is no cinema around here (small town of Gummersbach) which features the original sounds. Besides, even if there was one, no one would go and watch it with me, because none of my friends actually speaks English well enough to understand any of the spoken. *sighs* I wish my best friend would return from Japan. She was the only one who spoke English with me anyway.

Nevertheless, if anybody knows a theatre around collogne that features the movies in the original, let me in, won't you? I'd be grateful beyond telling.
20.06.2004 23:41
Ludo Bagman

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well, I didn't watch the German version and I'm sure I won't do that. I watched the first to films in German, cause the charcters and their German speaker were not so different. But know the chacters are growing up, but the German speaker not really Keine Ahnung . So I watched the english version, and it's much better cause you know that these are the real voices of the actors. And the sound track of the film is better, too, because the German song text isn't the truely tranlation of the origianl song.

I advice all people to watch the film in English. Applaus
28.06.2004 22:54
stachelchen stachelchen ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 14.05.2004
Alter: 35
Herkunft: Dresden

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Like the most - or better all? - people here I prefer the original versions of the films, too. It's a pity that I've only seen the first film in english because I'd really like to see the other films in english, too!

And it's so stupid that our cinema here showed the original version of the third film only two weeks long! I never had a chance to watch it because the first week I had no time and the second week I was in France with my class. Because I don't have a DVD-player there is no chance for me to see the films at home.

I don't like the german speakers of the students. In the third film it is much better but the first two films - I nearly went crazy with those childish voices! You know how the real voice of Daniel Radcliffe sounds and then you have such a terrible voice in the translation of the film. That's why I like the original versions more than the german ones.


06.07.2004 16:10 stachelchen ist offline E-Mail an stachelchen senden Beiträge von stachelchen suchen Nehme stachelchen in deine Freundesliste auf
Der10.Weasley Der10.Weasley ist männlich
Xperts Fanart Wettbewerb Gold-Award-Winner


Dabei seit: 13.04.2004
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Good idea Top

I watched the films in english more than the German ones. The English films are better, because its light original. I often watched the english-spoken Trailers and so I hope to watch thme in English on the DVD. And it´s better. This way I set up my English note to an 1. I learn words easier then lern with a book.

Thats all I want to say breites Grinsen

Your10th Weasley Scheinheilig
06.07.2004 18:59 Der10.Weasley ist offline E-Mail an Der10.Weasley senden Homepage von Der10.Weasley Beiträge von Der10.Weasley suchen Nehme Der10.Weasley in deine Freundesliste auf Skype-Name von Der10.Weasley: Mr_Skellington
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