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I've never really tried Occlumency or even thought to try.
Maybe i´ll try it once.
But when i´m lying in bed i often or ever think of many things and i hope to dream of Potter and the Harry Potter world.
i´m not always sucessful.
But sometimes i am. breites Grinsen
But if i do Occlumency i wouldn´t dream of things i like.
I would dream of my school, of my written test or / and pupils i don´t like.
It wouldn´t be funny if these dreams would happen more frequently.

Sorry for my poor english Geschockt
07.11.2004 17:43

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Yeah I try to do oclumency sometimes with music.
Often I fall alseep with the music.
yes, I dreamed from the Harry Potter world. But I love it more, when I dream sth. about Daniel (he's my hero * Grinsen *)

Hope you understand me Zunge raus
07.11.2004 18:09
Snape Babe

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Yes, sometimes I'm doing it. Especially when I can't falll asleep. It really helps if you have sleeping problems.
But I hope I will never have the same reason like Harry for practising it . Grinsen
06.12.2004 19:51

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(I think I like this board because I can't really write german... :p.)

I don't really practise Occlumency just because 'it's a Harry Potter thing' but I think it really works... When something bothers me and I can't stop thinking about it, then I use it... But it isn't just 'clearing my mind and try to think about nothing' because that doesn't work...
I read quite some fanfiction about Occlumency (since they don't give that much information in the HP books) and I've found a method that works, it is a little the same like they say, but, for you can't think about , you have to "aknowledge your thoughts (of feears or whatever you're thinking about) and let them go". Basically it's thinking like this: "Okay, I agree, I am worried about this-or-that and now I'm going to stop thinking about it and trying to ignore that feeling". If you can call that Occlumency, then I do Occlumency.

But there's one thing. I'm a Christian, so I don't like mediating (you know, yoga, TM that kind of stuff) at all, so I'm also reluctant with Occlumency. However, unti now I know it works, so eh well, I heep doing it when I need it Augenzwinkern .
22.12.2004 21:51
Mr. Moony

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Actually... I cant fall asleep if I got something on my mind… Zunge raus …
I always try to keep my mind clear before I go to bed, otherwise I lay awake the hole night… and that really makes me mad. Weinen

There is nothing I hate more then that… *bother*bother* … excluded chickenliver an those ugly German pancake’s …. Uhhh~h… liver…. ugly… disgusting…*tremble* Ätsch

But I’m not sure that you can call it Occlumency… no… not really… Traurig
02.01.2005 16:24
Colin Creevey Colin Creevey ist männlich


Dabei seit: 12.09.2004
Alter: 34
Herkunft: BaWü

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I don't try to "close" my mind before going sleep, rather sometimes I try leglimency when somebody si watching me strange and I think: "Oh, why does he watch so strange?" And then I try to imagine, why he watches me so strange!
I know that sounds funny Lachen breites Grinsen Fröhlich Lachen breites Grinsen Fröhlich Lachen Lachen



(\__/) Das ist Hasi.
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13.02.2005 19:14 Colin Creevey ist offline E-Mail an Colin Creevey senden Homepage von Colin Creevey Beiträge von Colin Creevey suchen Nehme Colin Creevey in deine Freundesliste auf

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Actually, I try to get rid of all stuff before I go bed as I fall asleep faster then and as I may say, I need sleep breites Grinsen

If I want jsut relax or listen music or something, doing the same. I dont think anybody could posess my much Fröhlich

18.05.2005 22:08

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I can't believe anyone started a thread like this... cause I actually do it, i do Occlumency sometimes before sleeping.. didn't think anyone else was doing that.

First, i always tried it every time i read the scene in OotP where Snape explains to Harry how to empty his mind and it's incredibly difficult.... you can't just think of and get rid of ALL of your feelings but with practising it works..
now I do it if i can't sleep at night. It kind of helps, really Fröhlich
07.08.2005 01:18
green eyed witch

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I know exactly what you mean! breites Grinsen The bed is a perfect place for thinking and "day"dreaming for hours and hours... Traum
So when I really want to fall asleep I always say to myself "think about nothing" Fröhlich ...Sometimes it works... Augenzwinkern
08.08.2005 13:15

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I haven'T ever tried to do oclumency...
but I'm sure tonight I'll try it...
Really funny ^^
13.02.2007 14:18
Silvermoon Silvermoon ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 06.06.2005
Alter: 33

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*sigh* Don't reckon it's worth a try. I suck at that type of thing - there's always loads and loads of stuff on my mind, it would take hours to "get rid" of that, and even then, there'd still be something left that bothers me - like thinking about trying hard not to think Zunge raus or something. Naah, I guess it doesn't work, at least not the way it does in the books. I mean, you cannot think about nothing at all, you always think, even if it happens only subconsciously. Of course, you can try to calm down and relax and stuff, but I am too much of a hectic person to really manage that kind of thing. Plus I am sure no one's able to read my thoughts anyway, so why bother trying? Fröhlich Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt if I tried to calm down a bit sometimes, and concentrate a little more (hmm... or, in this connexion, it might somehow be more appropriate to talk about concentrating ... sort of^^. Or not focusing so much on something in particular... sounds weird Augenzwinkern ) BUT I am far, far too impatient.
Well, I remember I used to do that type of game... thingy... whatever^^, when I was little - I wondered whether it is possible not to think at all, so I tried to free myself of all thoughts. After a while, it turned out I simply stood there thinking "I'm not thinking, I'm not thinking..."... so much for that.


Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Silvermoon: 13.02.2007 21:15.

13.02.2007 17:28 Silvermoon ist offline E-Mail an Silvermoon senden Beiträge von Silvermoon suchen Nehme Silvermoon in deine Freundesliste auf
fifilein fifilein ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 27.06.2004
Alter: 36
Herkunft: living my dream in Southsea, England

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i could never ever do this. whenever i am lying in bed i am thinking about hundreds of things, because i am soooo bored and hope that i fall asleep more easily o.O

well, i just tried mediating once in my life and it was really great. the time passed extremely fast and i just had the feeling that i got rid of all bad thoughts. well, when this is occlumency, than i practiced occlumency once in my life. ^^


14.02.2007 00:20 fifilein ist offline E-Mail an fifilein senden Beiträge von fifilein suchen Nehme fifilein in deine Freundesliste auf
Alcina vom Steinsberg Alcina vom Steinsberg ist weiblich

Dabei seit: 29.11.2006

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Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Alcina vom Steinsberg: 06.03.2007 20:15.

14.02.2007 19:14 Alcina vom Steinsberg ist offline E-Mail an Alcina vom Steinsberg senden Beiträge von Alcina vom Steinsberg suchen Nehme Alcina vom Steinsberg in deine Freundesliste auf
Lullu Lullu ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 19.11.2006
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Augenzwinkern Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden      Zum Anfang der Seite springen

Yes, actually...
I tryed to practice it a few times...
And when I try, I start with thinking of only ONE thing: BLACK,BLACK,...and nothing else.^^
It sounds crazy but sometimes it helps to free your mind... breites Grinsen


16.02.2007 22:34 Lullu ist offline E-Mail an Lullu senden Beiträge von Lullu suchen Nehme Lullu in deine Freundesliste auf
Manu Manu ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 18.09.2006
Alter: 39
Herkunft: Hessen

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I do a similar thing if I can´t sleep though I wouldn´t call it Occlumency. If I can´t sleep because I am full of emotions and uncomfortable thoughts I visualize a box in which I put all my annoying feelings. Then I throw the box in the deep sea and forget them for the moment. Probably this sounds really crazy but it really helps me to see this box falling down a cliff.


The BLACk-BLACK- thing sonuds really interesting... mabe I try it tonight breites Grinsen


Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Manu: 06.03.2007 20:05.

06.03.2007 20:04 Manu ist offline E-Mail an Manu senden Beiträge von Manu suchen Nehme Manu in deine Freundesliste auf
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