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@ Casandra: What should I say?! I haven't had any english lesson since 12 years! That's a long time... But, good luck to you! Applaus Top
08.07.2004 08:08

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And today I've bought Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in English ^.~ The first chapter I've read isn't so easy as I thought but it is much easier than Volume 5 ^.~ I will read it in the evening and I'll be online again around midnight. *waves and jumps off*
08.07.2004 16:12

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@ Siriusa Thank you. I will tell you how it will go one.

so long cassy
09.07.2004 08:32
Ravanna Ravanna ist weiblich
Vertrauensschüler im Ruhestand


Dabei seit: 18.06.2004
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@ Siriusa Hi, nice to meet you here again Umarmen
@ cassy and you, too Umarmen cassy, it's easier if start with the first HP book, for two or three reasons: it's shorter and you learn the words from the beginning and you haven't to learn so many new words at once.
Well, I started reading english books, when german editor Heyne couldn't keep up translating the newest Star Trek novels. They are just paperbacks, also in english, but when I needed 2 or 3 days for the german book, I needed 3 to 4 weeks in english Ups
Book on the table, dictionary aside - horrible Traurig Vogel zeigen
the 2nd english book - still Star Trek - went better - just 2 weeks.
Apart from Star Trek novels I also read - of course - Sense and Sensibility.
But there is a difference in what you read ... Harry Potter is written in a rather simple language - well, it's a children book.
I got reminded when my husband bought me The Lord of the Rings in the original - that was really difficult, and I admit I haven't even finished the prolog Traurig but that was caused by my low interest in the book itself, too.


24.07.2004 23:14 Ravanna ist offline E-Mail an Ravanna senden Beiträge von Ravanna suchen Nehme Ravanna in deine Freundesliste auf
Canis Lupus

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Hi @ all!
Well, I read all five books in English. When I started the first one in my first year learning English, it was pretty hard for me to understand. (I had to look up every six or so words!) But the second was easier and I actually enjoyed reading it in English. I read the fifth book last summer in only five days, I just couldn't put it away... Augenzwinkern
I also read 'Grass for his pillow' and other English boks.
Reading it at this early age really improved my English! (I got a 1 in my end of the year report!!!!)
Sooo, I'm really tired, so I'll go to bed now, bye,
~Canis Lupus~
24.07.2004 23:58

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@ Ravanna

Hello I´m also happy to read you here.

I know the problems of reading the later books first and after ten - fifteen sites I give it up. Know I would like to go again to the public library. I know they have now the first book and then I will start again. I hope then I have more luck.

so long cassy
26.07.2004 07:11

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@ Ravanna: Nice, to read you again! Umarmen

Well, I also started with book No. 1 because I thought, that book 4 and 5 could take me a long time to understand. And when I started to read book 1 it first took me long time to understand the words I never read before; like: cauldron, wand, cloak... Augenzwinkern I only had a "normal" dictionary and sometimes I didn't found the words I was looking for, so I bought myself the Harry Potter Dictionary and after a short time it was much easier. Grinsen

@ Cassy: Don't give it up... Go and read book 1 and it will be much easier for you to understand the others. Grinsen
26.07.2004 09:18

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After reading the German editions of the first three Harry Potter books in practically one go, I couldn't wait to start book 4. Problem was: It wasn't published yet. As I didn't want to wait I bought the English edition shortly after it had been published. I was determined to read the book in English.
Well, I gave up before even finishing chapter 1.
My English was quite poor back then and I didn't want to look up all the words so I just waited for the German edition.
My pride was hurt after failing to read the book in English though, so two years later I tried it once again, and I found it quite enjoyable.
When book 5 was published I bought an English copy the very fist day. (I actually bought one for a friend too and I thought people might think I'm crazy because I bought two copies. This thought only lastet until I saw people who bought 5 (!) copies Augenzwinkern )

Now I really like reading English books (All thanks to JKR Augenzwinkern ) and I think it really helps improving one's skills.

Bye bye Grinsen ,
26.07.2004 14:22

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Anyway hallo there,
I just wanted to step in this little thread and share my story. Right, it was in year 2002 as I started to think about how it might be a great idea to learn or better improve my small English-skills.
You must know I had English for 8 classes but never through all this time I was any good in this classes though I hadn't at all a problem to get the idea what people are talking about.
So my understanding wasn't that bad as I thought one year after my last English lesson it might be smart to try it by myself.
I brought all three HP books what says: COS, PoA and GoF in English.
I had never the desire to read them in German since I hadn't that much of a high opinion anyway about them.

Surprisingly I hadn't at all problems to understand them, it was quite easily to me. Not long I started to search through the net just to find again English HP-Fan-Sites.

At first I was shy and not at all sure if I should dare and post anything but my stubbornless self let me step in anyway. Soon I found people could understand me and were interest in my ideas.

I don't need to say I was suddenly very fond of HP and even started to write Fanfics in English of course. Its not that long ago that even someone nominated a work of mine for an award. Flattering at it best.

Now after over one year thinking and writing English I'm starting slowly to get back to my German self though I got very fond at orginal Books so mostly I read English story's well in English and not translated.
29.07.2004 16:52
Nurja Jermaine

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I´ve learning English since I was in the 5 class and now I´m in the 10! My sister has got an English book of Harry Potter. It was the first one-> Harry Potter and the Philosopher´s Stone. The English book is not the same as the German book. The English Version of Harry Potter 1 begins differebt, as the German Version. I don´t have red the book to the end, but it was quiet good!
So I hope anyone has understand me and now I´m out. Bye... Lachen
01.09.2004 11:23

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Hello Everybody Grinsen I'm learnin' english for 4 years now and in the last summer holidays i've read harry potter the first time in english. Is was the 5th Book Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. I've never read the book in german although it is laying on my bed.. since 2 weeks i am reading it in german now.. i am still on page 120 Augenzwinkern

but, i should stop talkin' nonsense Augenzwinkern i am chatting in mugglenet sometimes.. yeah.. this was all i wanted to say Augenzwinkern

I envoy everybody who is able.. is allowed to go to england..

<-- is depressiv, 'cause in mugglenet nearly everybody thinks, she is from Australia, if she says she's from austria.. nobody out there knows our little austria Traurig
03.09.2004 18:02

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By the way... is there anyone in an english (or french) Harry Potter board? I'm searching for a board but I don't know where to go...
13.09.2004 17:06
Annabelle Hermione

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Claire, you could go to . JKR said it's a really great one. I think it's good, too. But I spent really few time on this site. Far more on HPX! breites Grinsen Augenzwinkern Top
13.09.2004 19:41

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Yeah, Mugglenet is great. I spent much time in the chat in my holidays.. it's funny to speak with people from australia, the usa and and and.. but, if you're from austria, it's frustrating Augenzwinkern nearly everybody thought i was from australia first.. *grml* always tell them, you're *not* from australia Augenzwinkern

14.09.2004 14:08

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A friend of english-language? So I am!"ggg"
I have english since my third class and since the fifth I get notes in english.
I have read the Harry Potter books in english and german, but german first.
But I have not read the Order of tehe Phoenix in english but I will so early how I can!
Yours Sincerly
14.09.2004 15:52
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