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Berenice Berenice ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 11.02.2005
Alter: 36
Herkunft: Godric's Hollow
Pottermore-Name: SkalaHimmel87

Achtung SPOILER!!! Bericht vom Testscreening zum Halbblutprinz! Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden      Zum Anfang der Seite springen

Achtung! Großer Spoiler! Lesen auf eigene Gefahr! Dies ist ein Bericht über das Testscreening des 6. HP Films.

Ich zitiere hier einfach mal von :

Ich hab es selbst noch nicht gelesen, werd mich jetzt aber dransetzen!


07.09.2008 11:42 Berenice ist offline E-Mail an Berenice senden Beiträge von Berenice suchen Nehme Berenice in deine Freundesliste auf


Dabei seit: 08.05.2008

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07.09.2008 11:49 Looney&Soey ist offline E-Mail an Looney&Soey senden Beiträge von Looney&Soey suchen Nehme Looney&Soey in deine Freundesliste auf
Berenice Berenice ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 11.02.2005
Alter: 36
Herkunft: Godric's Hollow
Pottermore-Name: SkalaHimmel87

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07.09.2008 11:52 Berenice ist offline E-Mail an Berenice senden Beiträge von Berenice suchen Nehme Berenice in deine Freundesliste auf


Dabei seit: 08.05.2008

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07.09.2008 11:56 Looney&Soey ist offline E-Mail an Looney&Soey senden Beiträge von Looney&Soey suchen Nehme Looney&Soey in deine Freundesliste auf
Berenice Berenice ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 11.02.2005
Alter: 36
Herkunft: Godric's Hollow
Pottermore-Name: SkalaHimmel87

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Ich füge hier noch mal alles ein, was die Person in dem Forum geschrieben hat:

Hi everyone!

Yesterday I was invited to see a test screening of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince! I was sworn to secrecy until I saw it, and although I did not make an unbreakable vow I kept silent. But I saw it today and I my silence is broken. I will write a review later tonight, but I am open to answering any questions you may have to the best of my abilities. Wahooo!!!
I still can't believe it.

It is important to note that I have read each book so many times I practically have them all memorized so i am well aware of what is missing or changed.

It was definitely better than OOTP.


Yes Harry and Ginny kiss. But not as a result of winning the quidditch house cup. That game is never played, only the one of Ron thinking he is on Felix Felisus is seen. And the kiss is very short and brief Ginny dissapears before Harry opens his eyes and it takes place in the room of requirement when he is hiding the potions book. Actually she hides it and makes him close his eyes so he won't know where it is then she kisses him and vanishes. We never see the tiara.

And despite what we thought we saw, the Burrow is not burned down or on fire. Bellatrix set a fire around it but the burrow is fine. Actually the attack at the Burrow interrupts Harry and Ginny as they are leaning in about to kiss...


No funeral for Dumbledore, although as much as I hate cuts it was not very necessary.

There is no Tonks and Lupin. They are both in it but barely. Tonks has maybe 2 lines. Lupin never talks about Greyback. No explanation is given to Tonks having brown hair.

No Dursleys at all. No Privet Drive. No inheriting Grimmauld place or Kreacher as there is no Kreacher or Dobby.


Oh I should tell everyone for the record that I absolutely detest Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. So I am very biased against him, just so as you all know...

That being said Gambon did better than usual. I usually cringe when he is on the screen, but not so much this time. I shed no tears at Dumblerdores death. When I read the book for the first time I cried so much you would have thought I lost my grandfather. But no tears for the end of Gambon, but the scene itself was pretty good. Although it was not just like the book, Harry is not frozen he is watching through breaks in the wooden floor from below. It is hard to describe that scene but it there was a moment that made my heart tear slightly.

The editing was so much better than ootp. It was not, as my sister so brilliantly says, very "Staccato."

I don't remember any drawings, but I may have missed it. I forgot the actors name who played Young Riddle but he was truley brilliant. As a relation of Feines (sp?) he does look like him and his voice especially as a teenager raised the hair on the back of my neck.


I was very dissapointed with how Slughorn was portrayed. I think Kloves did not read the book carefully enough before he wrote the screenplay, because his character just did not make sense. He is portrayed as a nervous old man with constantly messy hair, and ugly plaid clothes. You get the immediate impression that either he does not care or is too old to care about how he looks. No velvet smoking jackets, or any other extravagant possessions. they are apparently of no importance to him. Throughout the movie he comes off as weak, unintelligent, dim-witted and slow. He openly speaks of collecting Harry, but that desire completely clashes with his personality and demeanor. His desire to know and collect very important people makes no sense as he portrays no desire for that behind the scenes power he so loves in the books. A blithering, nervous old man falling apart at the seams is not likely to make many connections with people of any stature or importance.

Oh and I don't think they ever mentioned he used to be head of Slitheryn but I may have missed it. (there were very annoying girls two seats away who obviously could care less about the movie and would not shut up, very distracting at times.)


The movie opens with a scene from OOTP, of Dumbledore and Harry at the ministry on the night Sirius dies, standing in front of a barrage of flash bulbs. Then it cuts to an interior shot of an ultra modern office building overlooking the Millenium Bridge. There are dementors flying through the air and then the bridge starts to wave violently and then collapses with lots of people on it.

In the next scene we see Harry reading about the bridge in the Daily Prophet at a tube-side coffee shop in Little Whinging. He flirts with the waitress and asks her what time she gets off work. But he is distracted by a passing train. When the train finally clears out, we see Dumbledore standing importantly on the platform. Harry joins him and immediately he is whisked away (side-along apparition) to Slughorn’s house.


To the person who asked about the music- it was mostly there, there were only one or two scenes where i wondered if there would be music, and one or two more where I prayed they would not add music. At most of the important moments it seamed to be there. It was pretty good similar to OOTP


Oh no- you made me just remember they totally cut another of my favorite scenes!!!
There is no "I must not tell lies" scene with Scrimgeor (sp?) no new minister whatsover is mentioned as far as I can remember.

Harry is asked by Dumbledore to allow Slughon to aquire him. THe problem is that Slughorn is not interested for any particular reason. Yes the costuming was bad, as was the directing for him. But his lines were equally as unfitting. He should have boasted more, and been very comfortable and at home socializing. This Slughorn reminded me of a very rundown Joe Leiberman (I don't know why I picture him in comparison, I just do).

For what it was worth it was about 2 1/2 hours. Though we waited a long time for it to start, and I don't remember exactly what time it was when it finally did, then we filled out a survey. that may be interferring with my memory about the length of the film.


The first picture is when Harry first arrives at the burrow and Hermione and ROn tell him people are saying Dumbledore is not as sharp as he used to be. (seemed like it should have been in OOTP not HBP)

The second picture is before Rons first Quidditch game (the only one shown) and he is scared to death. I think he is saying here how he plans on quitting. Thats when Harry pretends to slip him the FF potion but it is Luna who notices and says something not Hermione. Hermione does not get as mad as she does in the book either.

Luna is hardly shocked, she just thinks harry has given ron a tonic


QUOTE(soccer_girl @ Sep 6 2008, 09:59 PM)
Hey rach, you're the best. You'll make my life if you can just confirm that Hermione did tell Ron that she was going to ask him to slughorn's party. i completely forgot about that line, but i can live happiliy knowing it's in there (as of now.) thanks!

Yes she does ask him to the party and the scene in the library with her and harry talking about how he is at perfect liberty to see whoever he wants is there too. And so is the Opugno scene with hermione conjuring birds and shooting them at Ron. Though in the movie they miss him not attack but the intention is clear


QUOTE(cpv2006 @ Sep 6 2008, 09:58 PM)
So the movie ends with Harry chasing after Snape? If that is so, I'm kinda sad about that. When does Spinners End take place? Do they go to Diagon Alley or i is it just something like Mrs. Weasley saying they need to get supplies then the scene cuts to WWW? Also is the part of Harry becoming captain of Gryffidor Quiddtch team in the movie? When does Harry get Slughorns memory? Do we see Dumbledore destroy the ring? How many meetings are there with Dumbledore? Besides potions, are there any other classes shown? Is Harry still sad about Sirius? Does the prophecy get more of an explanation? Rating from you of the movie. Sorry this is so long..

No the Movie ends with the trio plus Ginny on top of the Astronomy tower talking and Harry saying he is going alone to find the Horcruxes. Hermione says something like, yeah right, you think your going alone? We are coming too. (major paraphrasing there) Then Ginny not saying a word sadly just walks away and leaves. She actually does not speak during the entire scene. Nor is she spoken to. She just listens looking sadder and increasingly heartbroken.


QUOTE(ArryG @ Sep 6 2008, 10:51 PM)
So when is Spinner's End if not before Budleigh Babberton?

It is right after harry arrives at the burrow. I personally did not like the person playing Narcissa, not what I pictured at all. Bellatrix was good but she did not question Snape's loyalty. A big mistake because I don't think many people were unsure of Snapes loyalty. The audience did not seem surprised when he killed dumbledore.


QUOTE(HPNAIV @ Sep 6 2008, 10:57 PM)
QUOTE(Rachezee @ Sep 6 2008, 11:45 PM)
QUOTE(cpv2006 @ Sep 6 2008, 09:58 PM)
So the movie ends with Harry chasing after Snape? If that is so, I'm kinda sad about that. When does Spinners End take place? Do they go to Diagon Alley or i is it just something like Mrs. Weasley saying they need to get supplies then the scene cuts to WWW? Also is the part of Harry becoming captain of Gryffidor Quiddtch team in the movie? When does Harry get Slughorns memory? Do we see Dumbledore destroy the ring? How many meetings are there with Dumbledore? Besides potions, are there any other classes shown? Is Harry still sad about Sirius? Does the prophecy get more of an explanation? Rating from you of the movie. Sorry this is so long..

No the Movie ends with the trio plus Ginny on top of the Astronomy tower talking and Harry saying he is going alone to find the Horcruxes. Hermione says something like, yeah right, you think your going alone? We are coming too. (major paraphrasing there) Then Ginny not saying a word sadly just walks away and leaves. She actually does not speak during the entire scene. Nor is she spoken to. She just listens looking sadder and increasingly heartbroken.

Holy mother of a banshee. I knew Harry would say that! I knew it! In this thing I read on SnitchSeeker it said that 'Harry would reveal something.' It was obviously that right? That he was going to hunt for Horcruxes?! Well, that's good. I mean I guess it almost stayed true to the book..

But I have a question to ask:
Why is Bellatrix running on a House table in the Great Hall?

Have you seen that picture !?

And if you haven't, then a new question:
Why are Harry & Ginny hugging in the Burrow? Remember that blurry picture we got on June 1st? Of Harry and Ginny hugging happily?

>She runs on the table right after Dumbledore is killed. She is so excited, no euphoric and that is one of her ways of celebrating I suppose.

Harry and Ginny are hugging in greeting. Harry arrives unexpectedly at the Burrow. No one there knows he is going to come and stay. THey are all completely suprised. Although they scene is completely unfaithful to the book it is rather funny. Harry's trunk and Headwig suddenly appear and, oh it is a highly visual scene, can't explain it without it losing its humor.

I Personally think it is deplorable that the writers and directors of the HP movies thought it was necessary to change so much of the last few books when I believe part of the brillance of Rowling is how easy it is to form a clear picture in your head of the scenes she writes. I have always thought the movies, especially the last two did a terrible job mainly because of Gambon and also because of the diluted belief that people would not find a movie true to the book entertaining enough.

That said I was terrified that this movie would ruin the story, we all knew already how much was going to be invented. But this is the first time I think that their invented scenes actually worked (for the most part). I actually enjoyed watching it, I was honestly expecting to cringe throughout the movie like I have in the past.

So would I have prefered them to have been true to the book? Absolutely
But the previous movies have already ruined that possiblity. To much was changed and left out for them to start being faithful to the story now.
So that all things considered this was much better than I would have thought possible.


QUOTE(decarus @ Sep 6 2008, 10:57 PM)
So i don't understand. Dumbledore dies. He falls off the tower. Somehow the trio plus ginny ends up back there on top of the tower. They discuss finding the rest of the horcruxes. Ginny just walks away. The end.

Really? Or is it the next day on the tower? Does harry chase snape out onto the grounds? I don't get it.

its the another day they go up there. Yes Harry chases snape, i think through the forest although that scene was mostly unfinished, mostly screens and lights and sound equipment in the backround

No DADA class at all. The only class we actually see is potions


QUOTE(Ki Talon @ Sep 6 2008, 11:34 PM)
From imdb:
The settings were eerily beautiful..it was so other-worldly.... man, i wish i was living in it!!!
Also , i must say... the background music was just amazing, very beautiful...i think the best so far!!!
I absolutely loved the way all of Ron & Hermione's romantic interludes and squirmishes were handled...they got some of the biggest laughs out of the audience... and talking abt laughs, this movie is definitely the funniest one so far..there were lots of humorous moments, and lots of inside jokes for those who have read the books!!! much much funnier than the Order of the Phoenix...
About Quidditch:
"quidditch - bloody brilliant!!! done in a never before seen sorta way, and it was pretty cool to see it in a snow & ice sorta setting "
Hermione showed big time jealousy! Emma Watson is excellent in these scenes. Hermione mentions asking McLagan out to make Ron jealous they do not show him being aware of their relationship on screen. The make up moment is sweet and touching but also kind of funny because Ron's in the infirmary and the R/L break-up and Hermione make-up is witnessed by their teachers.
Ron and Lavender snogged a bit, not full time though, like in the book!
WON WON was bleedin hilarious...!!! lavender got laughs every time she was on screen
nope, ron wasnt made out to be a jerk at all actually!! very toned down compared to the book!

>What they said abput the setting is right, It is by far the most beautiful view of Hogwarts I have ever seen and completely different than previous movies. The views of the moutains are new and most of the outside lanscape has been made far more majestic and beautiful. Though some of it was blue screened. Enough was left the same for continuity sake but many of the scenes we are used to in the movies now look far closer to what I imagined while reading than the way they have in the past few movies. I think the Sectum Sempra scene was in Moaning Myrtles bathroom, but it was almost unrecognizable. In a good way. Whoever was in charge of the lighting for this film did a beyond superb job. It was not prepared for the beauty of this movie.


QUOTE(Chelsea90 @ Sep 6 2008, 10:56 PM)
Two small questions ... During the attack on the Burrow, where is Ron and Hermione? Are they together?

And does Hermione witness the first kiss between Ron and Lavender? If so, does she storm out like in the book, and then gets into the fight with Ron? If not, how does it happen? Thanks so much ahead of time. You are great! And sooo lucky!

>If memory serves be I don't think Hermione is at the Burrow during the attack. It was during Christmas and she was upset with Ron about Lavender during that time. Ron was not the focus of the attack on the Burrow Harry and Ginny were.

The first kiss of Lavender and Ron was witnessed by both Harry and Hermione. Harry watches with a stupid boyish grin and Hermione faces slowely turns from a smile to looking utterly heartbroken. She quietly turns away to leave, and just as she leaves Harry turns and notices. She is far less angry than she is just heartbroken. She does send the birds she conjures at Ron but she is not so much furious as she is crushed and hurt.

She does say to Harry later on in the movie when Lavender calls Ron "Won Won,"
"Excuse me while I vomit"


[von einem anderen User geschrieben:]

A message I just recieved from someone on LJ who also saw the screening:

--- kittycamal wrote:
> It's so cool that you got to see the movie. I was just wondering about a few things:
> Could you please describe how the Poisoning scene happened in the movie with Ron? Starting from the spiked love potioned chocolates to when he collapses from the poisoned meade.

The scene opens with Ron staring lovingly at the moon from the boys' dormitory window (lol). Harry comes into the room and Ron tells Harry that he's in love. Harry sits on his bed and Ron climbs on right next to him (more lol) and the dialogue follows about the same from the book if I remember correctly. Harry says, "I thought you were getting tired of her" or something and Ron gets offended, Harry gets confused, thinks they're talking about Lavender but Ron says he's talking about Romilda Vane and asks to be introduced. Harry asks if Ron's eaten something, Harry sees the empty wrappers and box and puts two and two together and gets him to Slughorn's office. Harry asks Slughorn for the antidote, Slughorn lets them in, and he concocts the potion. At one point Ron comes from behind Slughorn and hugs him and so Harry sets him down on the couch (scene is shot with Harry and Slughorn infront, couch behind). Slughorn wonders why Harry couldn't just perform the potion himself but Harry says it's particularly strong and Slughorn agrees. Ron is acting goofy in the back, at one point he sits on the back seating of the couch and falls off! After they get Ron right, Slughorn pulls out a flasks, pours glasses, and they toast to their health. Ron of course slurps his down before the others and he immediately collapses. He starts going a bit gray, convulsing, foaming at the mouth a bit; Harry freaks out, tells Ron to breathe, yells at Slughorn to do something, Slughorn is too stunned to move so Harry hurries through his potion supplies, pulls out a bezoar (sp?) and pops it into his mouth. I forget the transitioning but we find Harry, Slughorn, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron at the infirmary wing.

This was such a good scene by the way, Ron was a laugh!

> How did people react to Ron in particular?

Definitely laughing at Ron. He was hilarious under the love potion, very sensitive, very touchy to those close next to him! It was a well-done scene I thought.

> Can you describe the hospital scene when he breaks up with Lavender?

Ron is lying unconscious on a bed with Ginny to the left and Hermione to the right. Harry and Slughorn are standing at the foot of the bed and Pomfrey enters to tend to him. McGonagall, Snape, and Dumbledore enters, inquires what happened. Slughorn said it was the meade which was gift and "actually it was a gift for you." Lavender bursts in, cries about her Won-Won, sees Hermione, is indignant and angrily wonders why she's there. Hermione retorts back and says she should be asking the same thing. Ron begins to startle and Lavender rushes to his side, holds his hand, and exclaim that he knows it's because she's there. Ron begins to mumble and eventually says, "Her-Mion-Ne." Lavender looks angry/hurt and runs out of the room and Hermione looks triumphant. Dumbledore comments something along the likes of, "Ah, the pangs of being a teenager in love." McGonagall gives a look, I think Snape rolls his eyes, lol. They start out of the infirmary wing and Harry is the last to leave, he looks back and Hermione is holding Ron's hand (still unconscious) and leaning over his bed. She looks up at Harry and says, "Oh, shut up."

I forget how this went in the book, but the next day Ron has no idea how he broke up with Lavender (although he's pleased) while she's giving him the stink eye at breakfast across the great hall, aha.
> Thanks so much!


QUOTE(MontmartreAmour @ Sep 7 2008, 12:37 AM)
It seems like nobody has asked this yet, but after the scene on the astronomy tower do they show the battle that is going on inside hogwarts with the death eaters and the order of the phoenix or is it just harry chasing snape, and is draco running with snape? Also do they show the scene in the infirmary when everyone finds out about the death? Is there even a battle scene within hogwarts? Do they show ron,hermione, ginny, luna and neville drinking the felix to help them in the battle?

thank you , it seems like no one has even bothered to ask this question and it was really starting to bug me.lol.

There is no battle in hogwarts like in the books. Bellatix and the others run through Hogwarts triumphantly and Hagrids house is set on fire. But no one but Harry takes any action and that is only on Snape as far as I can remember. Snape blocks all of Harry's curses.

For those asking about the bloodyness of the Sectum Sempra scene, it was not very bloody but many of the wounds on draco did not appear to be gushing. Before you all get upset, I think the extra blood is probably just a special effect not yet added. The scene implied much more blood than was seen. I am pretty sure this will be added in later.

There is really no implication that Ginny and Harry are dating, much to my dismay. It seemed much more that their feeling were both made very clear but no further action was taken. No implied stolen hours in secluded corners in the Hogwarts grounds.


So das wars jetzt erst mal...falls die Person noch etwas schreibt, könnt ihr das unter dem Link nachlesen, den ich weiter oben gepostet hab. Ab Seite 13!

Liebe Grüße


07.09.2008 12:43 Berenice ist offline E-Mail an Berenice senden Beiträge von Berenice suchen Nehme Berenice in deine Freundesliste auf
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Dabei seit: 01.06.2008
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kann das auch jemand übersetzten? Verwirrt


07.09.2008 12:56 glueckskekz ist offline E-Mail an glueckskekz senden Beiträge von glueckskekz suchen Nehme glueckskekz in deine Freundesliste auf Füge glueckskekz in deine Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von glueckskekz anzeigen
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Dabei seit: 31.08.2008
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@ glueckskekz

Ich habe die News heute morgen schon eingesendet. Denke, der Text wird noch übersetzt. Top


07.09.2008 13:13 ~°Hermine°~ ist offline E-Mail an ~°Hermine°~ senden Beiträge von ~°Hermine°~ suchen Nehme ~°Hermine°~ in deine Freundesliste auf
glueckskekz glueckskekz ist weiblich


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okay... dnake für die info...Augenzwinkern ich warte dann einfach mal... (:


07.09.2008 13:17 glueckskekz ist offline E-Mail an glueckskekz senden Beiträge von glueckskekz suchen Nehme glueckskekz in deine Freundesliste auf Füge glueckskekz in deine Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von glueckskekz anzeigen
Simon Black


Dabei seit: 24.01.2008
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Hier noch einmal der Text auf Deutsch:

Heute bekam ich zu sehen, die Screening-Test von Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Es fand in Chicago auf der AMC East River. Es war ein Geheimnis, Screening, niemand im Publikum war zu erfahren, bevor Hand, was sie zu sehen waren. Ich war einer von nur einer kleinen Handvoll, die bereits wussten, was würden wir sehen, aber ich war vereidigten zur Verschwiegenheit. Es war wirklich das härteste Geheimnis das ich jemals hatte zu halten.

Es war nicht ganz vollständig, aber abgesehen von ein paar blaue Schirme im Hintergrund, und ein oder zwei spezielle Effekte fehlen, es war kaum spürbar.

Ich bin ein großer Fan von Ginny und Harry damit Beginnen will ich mit ihnen. Es gibt noch viel mehr Ginny als je zuvor. Sie erreicht fast Ron für Bildschirm Zeit. Wir sehen in ihr die Burrow, wenn Harry ankommt draußen und das erste, was er sieht, ist ihr Lesung durch das Fenster. Harry Just steht es für einen Moment, bis anstarrend sie an. Obwohl sie aus Dean Thomas sieht sie nie glücklich mit ihm, es sei denn, sie ist snogging ihn an den drei Besenstiele. Sie war in der Gryffindor Quidditch-Team. Aber das einzige Spiel, was wir sahen, war von der Felix Felicis Kapitel, wenn Ron glaubt Harry hat ihn rutschte der Zaubertrank. Während Weihnachten in der Burrow, Ginny und Harry Wind auf der Treppe allein und Beginn der mageren in einander zu küssen, wenn der Angriff auf die Burrow unterbricht sie.

Die Burrow nicht abbrennen, aber es ist umgeben von einem Ring of Fire von Bellatrix beschworen. Harry, Bellatrix zu sehen, läuft nach ihr, und Ginny läuft nach ihm, rechts in die Greyback. Aber Harry kommt zu dem Rettungs-und der zwei von ihnen stehen in einer sehr hohen wachsenden Maisfeld Abwehr von Angriffen der deatheaters. Tonks und Lupin kommt auf die Rettung, aber das ist meiner Meinung nach die letzten sehen wir von ihnen. Es gibt keine Tonks und Lupin Beziehung und obwohl Tonks' Haar ist braun gibt es keinen Hinweis, oder eine Erklärung gegeben.

Tom Felton hat einen fantastischen Job in diesem Film. Draco Charakter bleibt treu dem Buch hat er sogar Briefmarken in Harry's Nase. Aber leider haben wir nie das Vergnügen des Sehens Crabb und Goyle getarnt als Mädchen. In der Tat, sind sie kaum in diesem Film. Sectumsempra Die Szene war wirklich gut, auch ohne jammern Myrtle. Als Harry und Draco werfen Zauber an jedem anderen armen Nigel sitzt gefroren in einer der Toiletten. Snape läuft in Kürze und McGonagall ist in der Tür, nachdem Harry Besetzung der Rechtschreibprüfung (Draco nie schreit Crucio) und er macht eine Heilung seiner Wunden mit einem Zauber das klingt fast wie Gesang. Aber er macht keinen Gebrauch legilimency auf Harry, geradeaus läuft, aus dem Badezimmer zu McGonagall. In der nächsten Szene Hermine und Ginny Band zusammen und sagen, Harry zu verbergen die Tränke Buch so nicht einmal Harry finden. Ginny nimmt Harry an den Raum der Anforderung entspricht, und macht ihm seine Augen schließen, während sie das Buch versteckt. Dann küsst sie ihn kurz. Mit der Zeit, als er seine Augen öffnet sie ist verschwunden.

Es war definitiv Spannung zwischen Ron und Hermine. In den Anfängen in der Burrow, Ron reinigt off a bit of Zahnpasta von Hermines Wange. Später im Slughorn's Klasse beschreibt sie, was sie Gerüche in der Liebe Zaubertrank und Pfade mit "Minze Zahnpasta…" Lavendel ist recht nauseating und obwohl sie nie Ron gibt eine Halskette sie tut etwas, ebenso würdig wie Erbrechen, dampfenden ein Fenster auf dem Hogwarts Express mit ihrem Atem und Zeichnung ein Herz mit "R + L" in ihm. Seine Beziehung endet, wenn er bewusstlos ist und jammern Hermines Namen, nachdem sie vergiftet. Er bleibt verwirrt darüber, warum es endete, aber sehr erleichtert.

The Kid, gespielt jungen Tom Riddle war Brilliant. Seine Stimme und Verhalten warf die Haare auf der Rückseite meines Halses. Es gibt keine Erwähnung der Gaunts, aber die Szene in Slughorn Büro vorhanden ist. Dumbledore ist jedoch wirklich überrascht zu erfahren, dass Riddle 7 Horcruxes gemacht. Es ist in dieser Szene realisiert, dass er den Ring ist ein Horcrux. Er realisiert, was es war, weil When Harry kümmert es kurz wechselte er seinen Kopf wie Voldemort.

Wir tun, um zu hören, Hagrid und Slughorn Gesang über Odo der Held des Romans, und Harry ist lustig und ein paar Zeilen, wo es richtig, das Buch, während unter dem Einfluss von Felix Felicis. Es gibt keinen Professor Trelawney, oder die Dursleys. Nr. Kreacher (keine Erwähnung von erben Grimmauld Place whatsoever) oder Dobby, oder Bill und Fleur. Es gibt keine Szenen mit dem Minister für Magie, und ich glaube nicht, dass sie einmal erwähnt wurde entlassen Fudge (obwohl ich es verpasst haben).

Oh, und die meisten leider von allen, keine Beschreibung von Luna über die Gefahren des Rotfang Conspiracy. Auch nicht kommentieren sie die Quidditch match. Luna's Rolle war sehr klein, aber sie hat den größten Hut und sie ist einerseits zu finden Harry in den Zug unter dem Mantel der Unsichtbarkeit mit der Hilfe ihrer Spectrespecs.

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes war genial! Ich wünschte nur, es waren eine echte speichern. Leider keine U-No-Poo Zeichen, aber es war immer noch ein Auge zu sehen.

Die Szene mit Harry und Snape am Ende war der am wenigsten fertig des Films, der Hintergrund war vor allem Bildschirme und Lichter und gelegentlich eine solide Personen Kopf. Es war sehr nah an das Buch, obwohl ich dachte, Snape hätte stärker und ärgerlicher, als Harry rief ihn ein Feigling. Sein einige seiner letzten Worte zu Harry sind "Möglicherweise haben Sie Ihrer Mutter die Augen, aber Sie sind so dunkel wie dein Vater!"

Als großer Fan der Bücher habe ich mich immer mehr und mehr enttäuscht über alle Änderungen im Kino und vor allem in Michael Gambon's Darstellung von Dumbledore, ist mein Lieblings-Charakter. Davon abgesehen war ich wirklich angenehm überrascht von diesem Film. Viele der Änderungen waren eigentlich unterhaltsam und Gambon hat sich verbessert genug, um zu tolerieren. Es war so viel besser als Orden des Phönix. Insgesamt ich wirklich genossen diesen Film und kann nicht warten, um es erneut.

Ein Zyniker ist ein Mensch, der von jedem Ding den Preis und von keinem den Wert kennt.

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Simon Black: 07.09.2008 14:36.

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~°Hermine°~ ~°Hermine°~ ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 31.08.2008
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Das wurde sicherlich mit einem Programm übersetzt... Hat nicht wirklich ein Sinn Keine Ahnung - da versteht man den englischen Text besser.


07.09.2008 15:09 ~°Hermine°~ ist offline E-Mail an ~°Hermine°~ senden Beiträge von ~°Hermine°~ suchen Nehme ~°Hermine°~ in deine Freundesliste auf


Dabei seit: 08.05.2008

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Lachen Lachen Lachen

07.09.2008 15:29 Looney&Soey ist offline E-Mail an Looney&Soey senden Beiträge von Looney&Soey suchen Nehme Looney&Soey in deine Freundesliste auf
Lord_Slytherin Lord_Slytherin ist männlich
Xperts Fanfiction Wettbewerb Silber-Award-Winner


Dabei seit: 29.04.2004
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Herkunft: aus der Mitte Deutschlands, auch Thüringen genannt
Pottermore-Name: DraconisNox24

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07.09.2008 16:29 Lord_Slytherin ist offline E-Mail an Lord_Slytherin senden Homepage von Lord_Slytherin Beiträge von Lord_Slytherin suchen Nehme Lord_Slytherin in deine Freundesliste auf
~°Hermine°~ ~°Hermine°~ ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 31.08.2008
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Hier noch mehr Info´s zum Film von

@ Lord_Slytherin

Das Ginny das Buch versteckt, hat mich auch sehr gewundert. Zumal doch Harry dort das Diadem --> Horkrux sieht und sich im 7. Buch daran erinnert! Wie wollen die das dann wieder logisch einbauen?! Nachdenken

@ glueckskekz

Jetzt ist die Übersetzung online. Ich hoffe, dass die auch noch die "Turmszene" übersetzen! Applaus


Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von ~°Hermine°~: 07.09.2008 18:05.

07.09.2008 16:47 ~°Hermine°~ ist offline E-Mail an ~°Hermine°~ senden Beiträge von ~°Hermine°~ suchen Nehme ~°Hermine°~ in deine Freundesliste auf
Alekto Alekto ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 29.06.2007
Alter: 35
Herkunft: Düsseldorf
Pottermore-Name: RuneSnidget71

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@Lord_Slytherin: Da stimme ich dir völlig zu. Ich finde ja nicht, dass das Buch 100% verfilmt werden muss und einige Abweichungen sind ja okay, aber meiner Meinung nach ändern sie grundlegend wichtige Dinge.

Ich bin auch noch mehr als gespannt, wie sie die Medaillongeschichte hinbekommen wollen, wenn sie Kreacher herauslassen Nachdenken
Vor allem die Sectumsempraszene finde ich eklatant falsch geändert - Der Eindruck wird völlig verfälscht: Der böse Harry zerfleischt Draco mal eben so fast mit einem Sectumsempra und Draco ist ein braver Junge, der keine Todesseranzeichen mit dem Crucio zeigen darf Vogel zeigen

Gar nicht davon zu sprechen, dass man meine Lieblingsfiguren mal wieder fast vollständig streicht - wäre ja nicht so, dass Tonks und Lupin im Buch ihre Momente hätten Wütend

Nur weitere Gründe nach der Verschiebung, warum ich ihn mir wahrscheinlich nicht ansehen werde.


07.09.2008 18:29 Alekto ist offline E-Mail an Alekto senden Beiträge von Alekto suchen Nehme Alekto in deine Freundesliste auf
~°Hermine°~ ~°Hermine°~ ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 31.08.2008
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Die Medaillongeschichte mit Kreacher kommt doch eigentlich erst im 7. Teil oder??? Entscheidend ist ja auch, dass die Szene mit Hepzibah Smith gestrichen wurde --> wie wollen die da überhaupt das Medailon und den Becher einbauen Keine Ahnung


07.09.2008 18:47 ~°Hermine°~ ist offline E-Mail an ~°Hermine°~ senden Beiträge von ~°Hermine°~ suchen Nehme ~°Hermine°~ in deine Freundesliste auf
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