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Harry Potter Xperts Forum » Die Karte des Rumtreibers » Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit » What would you do if you were allowed to Hogwarts? » Hallo Gast [Anmelden|Registrieren]
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Umfrage: What would you do if you were allowed to Hogwarts?
Sign up for quidditch-tryouts. (Wheeeheee!! I'm flying!!!) 211 37.68%
something else... 158 28.21%
Try to make as many friends as possible. (I like everyone, really!) 111 19.82%
Join the Slytherins! (Power rules!!) 61 10.89%
Do a Creevey (grab a camera and follow Harry around)!! 19 3.39%
Insgesamt: 560 Stimmen 100%
Zum Ende der Seite springen What would you do if you were allowed to Hogwarts? 11 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 8,2711 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 8,2711 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 8,27
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Emeralde Greene

What would you do if you were allowed to Hogwarts? Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden      Zum Anfang der Seite springen

If you were allowed to Hogwarts, what would you be like?

I guess I'd probably wish to join Slytherin, mainly because I dig the guys (Draco & Snape), but I'll be most likely ending up in Ravenclaw (brainy ol' me). And I'll be running around like a headless chicken, bugging people with my stupid questions (there's a little Creevey in all of us, I guess...).

Sometimes I seriously wonder if they'd let me in on Hogwarts even if I were the greatest witch of all times, because I keep acting pretty daft. My inner child just won't grow up. *I like bubbles!!!!* Aaaargh!!

How about you?
22.06.2004 22:53

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Well, I don't really know what I'm going to do. Errrr.... bother Draco this little [insert insult] or I will help Harry and Ron bothering Snape breites Grinsen . Now I know what I will do, I will learn magic (wow Vogel zeigen ). I wonder which house would be my "family" mayby Ravenclaw because I'm smart or Gryffindor because ....er.... I don't know. One thing is clear I will not go to Slytherin because I'm to friendly.

Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Burdock: 23.06.2004 09:24.

23.06.2004 09:23
Catherine Malfoy

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Well, I would be in Rawenclaw, unfortunately.. I would love to be in Slytherin, but I'm not bitchy enough.
I would really try to study hard and to make many friends.. may be I would support Hermione with s.p.e.w. *g*
And when I'm at home I would hex my twin if he annoys me Top
Thank God I'm off age breites Grinsen
30.06.2004 15:02
Padma Padma ist weiblich
Lehrerin im Ruhestand


Dabei seit: 08.11.2003
Herkunft: Herzogenaurach

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Uhm.. that's an interesting question and I'm sure we will be able to read a few very amazing posts in this thread, but just to make sure, I want to tell you:

Okay, that's enough about this Zunge raus . Let's continue with the topic of this thread.

If I was at Hogwarts I would try to discover as much of the Hogwarts grounds as possible. Such as searching for beautiful places and things like this. I love The scenery around Hogwarts, as we could be able to see in film 3 (which was a really great film, by the way Augenzwinkern ). I always got this one specific picture in my head: a Ravenclaw girl sitting under a tree in the evening bright evening sun, her school books right beside her and reading in one of them. I don't know where I got that picture from, but I always imagine it to be a really marvellous place and if I had the chance to be at Hogwarts (what is nearly zero) I would surely be looking for such a place to read a book there or just to watch nature (the sun *löl*) or sleep a bit (yes, sounds very annoying for "outsiders"(im Sinne von *Außenstehende*) ).
But after all, this is only one possibility that could become reality *lol*. I'm quite sure that Hogwarts is a wonderful place to live at and yes, sometimes it makes me a bit sad that Hogwarts isn't real...

Aww, I forgot: Yeah, I'd like to join Gryffindor or at least Ravenclaw. If I was a Slytherin, I would leave Hogwarts at once *lol*.
30.06.2004 17:46 Padma ist offline E-Mail an Padma senden Beiträge von Padma suchen Nehme Padma in deine Freundesliste auf

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I would grap the first broom that shows up in front of my eyes and ...
start cleaning up!!!
nope, cause not, I'd try to get on the quidditch team... I think there's nothing in the world I#d rather do than playing quidditch. NOTHING!!
ok, maybe stuffing some blast-ended screwts into Umbridge's pillows would also be an idea... Augenzwinkern

I think I'd be in Gryffindor. I also like Ravenclaw but I think I'm not the one who's studying too hard, scraping nothing but "Outstanding"s in all my exams and so on... cause I'd spend most of my time on the quidditch pitch... I even dream about quidditch some times when I'm asleep... quite disappointing to wake up then, I can tell ya... Traurig

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Frick: 07.07.2004 03:16.

07.07.2004 03:16
stachelchen stachelchen ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 14.05.2004
Alter: 35
Herkunft: Dresden

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I think it would be really great to fly around and feel the cool the air on my face while beeing on a broomstick! What a feeling...I've also dreamed it once and it seemed so real that I was also disappointed when I woke up - like Frick!

I would also enjoy the meal, it always sounds so great what they can eat every day! I'm a friend of delicious meal you've got to know. Just imagine the great food when it's Halloween or Christmas...Yummie breites Grinsen .

I don't know to which house I would belong - maybe Ravenclaw because I think I'm not brave enough for Gryffindor. But Gryffindor...yes, that would be great! Though there is McGonagall as headteacher I'd really enjoy it being there. I'd like to meet Harry, of course, and Fred and George and.... I think they're great.

But the houses are not the most important things; I'm looking forward to learn doing magic! Some things can happen more easily than without magic - for example tidy up my room or so Grinsen . Though I'd have to learn hard when I'd be at Hogwarts - I'd like it really!

07.07.2004 16:30 stachelchen ist offline E-Mail an stachelchen senden Beiträge von stachelchen suchen Nehme stachelchen in deine Freundesliste auf

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well when I was checking pages ybout brrom riding (I#m crazy bout quidditch... geeez) i found a funny page on the internet, here we go:

i dunno, sounds crazy, but if it's a fake it a rather good one...
what do you think about it?
i've been wondering whether to sign up for a class just to check if someone turns up... breites Grinsen
09.07.2004 13:31

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If I were at Hogwarts, I could Gryffindor. It is noble and positive ans warm. Have you seen the rooms in Slytherin, uh, cold. And I could laugh about silly teacher like Snapy-baby Fröhlich . But I'm not a wizard and so ... Weinen
09.07.2004 17:05

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Look at Padma's bold text above ^.~

Heheh, that was good -> [insert insult] ''

Duh, back to topic. Kyaa, I would love to join Hogwarts. In which house I would get ... erm, it depends on my blood ^.~ If I was a (half) muggle, I wouldn't be in Slytherin o' course ... I dunno. Maybe in Gryffindor because I like experience adventures. Like Harry Potter and his buddies do so. But I dunno if I was brave enough (I would scream if I saw a spider .. but oyy, look at Ron .. he's also in Gryffindor). I could also land in Hufflepuff, the house for outcasts but I wouldn't mind. And yes, if I was a fullblood (sorry for this weird word o_O) I would see things in a different view. I know that I would also be against muggles at Hogwarts so I'd land in Slytherin.

What I would do in Hogwarts? As I already said, experience adventuresAugenzwinkern I have that in my blood ^.^. I'd also like to get out of the castle and lie around the sea and do my homework... dream, sleep and watch the clouds above (<- I'm also a lazy nature-freak). Hogwarts seems to fulfill my dreams of being independent and ... free. Okay, there are also homeworks but I also like to do my homeworks like the students at Hogwarts - they sit around tables with others. (Reality: Sitting on my desk bored, sighing and lonesome T_T)

And besides, I also love the good food, the magical world, Diagon Alley (yesh I'm shopping-addicted <3 <3), Hogsmeade, flying with your brooms (che, that also makes me feel independent), travelling that easy (I'd like to visit Japan..) and lots of good stuff. The only bad thing there is Voldemort but Harry's gonna kick his ass .. so at least, there isn't anything bad-ish ;__; Guh, there is a bad thing .. that this is just ... fictitious, unreal, invented, fake.
09.07.2004 22:49

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I would do a lot...! To be at Hogwarts would be great breites Grinsen

At first I think I would be so much surprised and inspirated that I could not do anything else than wonder about Hogwarts.
I would go around and find all the cool and nice places, I would study magic very hard (theres maybe a small Hermione in me) and find new friends to have a lot of fun with them.

I think I would be a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw. Keine Ahnung who knows.
And I would like to fly over the sea and the landscape.....
09.07.2004 23:04

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What would I do if I was able to join Hogwarts?

The first thing I'd do would be to scream. Wow, me accepted at Hogwarts, Geschockt the place I want to belong to the most? Unbelievable...

I would enjoy everything from buying books, quills, parchment and so on in Diagon Alley to travelling with the Hogwarts Express to the life in the castle Grinsen

Probably I would be in Slytherin so I could first meet Draco ^^ but I'd also like to be in contact with many student of all the other Hogwarts Houses (like Harry, Hermione, all the Weasleys, Neville Scheinheilig . Wood, Susan Bones Scheinheilig and all the others ^-^)

And I would start a Severus Snape Fan Club at once Zunge raus I love this teacher, he's the best. I'd do almost everything to be one of the best in his Potions Classes Augenzwinkern

Bellatrix_Lestrange Hexe auf Besen
18.07.2004 15:56
Ravanna Ravanna ist weiblich
Vertrauensschüler im Ruhestand


Dabei seit: 18.06.2004
Alter: 53
Herkunft: Avalon

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Well, my answer was "Sign up for quidditch-tryouts. (Wheeeheee!! I'm flying!!!)", because I'm dreaming that I can fly ever since - but who doesn't ? Perhaps I wouldn't try myself in Quidditch - I would aim the goal-rings and missed them... a mile at least Fröhlich - but I would be allowed to fly a broom - yeah Top
If I would be allowed to Hogwarts, it would mean, too, that I could do magic at all - housework would be done with a simple switch of my wand Top Fröhlich breites Grinsen Cutting my fingers when I'm peeling the potatoes . Verwirrt ..-HA - never again Top Applaus


24.07.2004 22:17 Ravanna ist offline E-Mail an Ravanna senden Beiträge von Ravanna suchen Nehme Ravanna in deine Freundesliste auf

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First I would jump around. Happy to go to Hogwarts.
It doesn't matter to me in which house I would belong. The only thing I wish to do is to be in the Quidditch team breites Grinsen
07.08.2004 01:27

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I guess I'd be in Gryffindor, just cuz I am bit of a risk-lover and quite brave I think *lol*

What would I do? Um, I think I'd try to be not too bad in lessons and hang out with friends, try out for quidditch maybe, as I love sports....and I'd flirt with Ron!! ;-)
07.08.2004 09:55

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10.08.2004 00:18
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