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cool What was your imagination of Sirius Black?? Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden      Zum Anfang der Seite springen


I wanna know what your first imagination of Sirius was (only in case you've read the book before seeing the movie). I mean, I simply love the "movie Sirius" and I'm one of the biggest fans of Gary Oldman there is, but my imagination was kinda different. First of all, there's the size of him. In book five he is describes as being taller that Severus Snape (what's not the case in the movie). Okay, nobody can influence his size and Gary Oldman is a bit smaller than alan Rickman, so this is sort of okay. But in book three for example it is said that his hair reached almost to his elbows (what is obviously not the case here) and nowhere in no one of the books is written, that he has tatoos. It isn't very disturbing, but somehow strange. Don't ya think? And...where did he get them????
But the face is just perfectbreites Grinsen *loves him*
Okay, don't misunderstand me, I was squeeking when I first read that Gary is going to play my beloved Sirius...so I loved every single picture of him...I simply noticed that some little thing drift away from my imaginations. Now I always have gary in my mind, though his hair is much longerZunge raus

What do you guys think about this???

17.08.2004 18:45

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Hey Lobby Grinsen
how are you? Augenzwinkern

well, I imagined Sirius to be like a smaller and thinner "Hagrid"
I don't know why but everytime I had this picture in my mind =)
But I think Gary Oldman fits into his role as well, except for the tatoos

Yours Bella Hexe auf Besen

18.08.2004 12:28

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Well, I think that he nearly looks like I have imagined him by reading the books. There is only one thing that doesn't really fit in my opinion: In the books he is described much thinner and that he looks kinda ill. The tattoos, mmmh, I think they look cool and they give him something mysterious. But all in all I love Gary Oldman as Sirius Black!!!!
20.08.2004 11:07
fifilein fifilein ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 27.06.2004
Alter: 36
Herkunft: living my dream in Southsea, England

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i thought he is bigger and more muscular. i know, that the book says he isn't very tall and isn't very muscular, but when i think of a very dangerous person i always see a tall and muscular person.

cu fufo


20.08.2004 11:10 fifilein ist offline E-Mail an fifilein senden Beiträge von fifilein suchen Nehme fifilein in deine Freundesliste auf

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well, to be honest, first time I saw the "movie"-sirius, I was really shocked Geschockt
I ever imagined sirius in a different way, but that's the disadvantage of movie's made out of books: the actors can never exactly match your imaginations you have had about the characters...
well at first I expected sirius' hair to be black (don't know where I got idea from...) and indeed, I expected him to be, even at his age and even after azkaban, to be quite more good-looking... dunno, but I ever imagined him that way, and after "snapes worst memory", where he was described veeeery handsome... *aaaaw* ^.^
but in the end, after I watched the movie and after I saw some other pictures of gary oldman, I have to admit that I really liked him at the ole of sirius... his acting really impressed me, and after all I find him quite suitable ^^ of course, he'll never be as good as "my" sirius, but of course , the whole movies could never beat the book...
although I have to say movie 3 has been great improvement in contrast to the first two!!!
20.08.2004 23:20
Emeralde Greene

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To be true, I really didn't imagine Sirius to be too different from the "movie-Sirius." I didn't have any clear imagination on my mind before seeing Gary Oldman in this role, so I daresay I do find it most suitable. The only thing I imagined him to be was a bit scary... I read the book quite quickly, so I guess I didn't pay enough attention to his description anyway. Traurig

I was a bit confused, though. I really liked "snape`s worst memory" and the way Sirius is portraied as really good-looking. That's where I got my first "real" idea about how Sirius would look, but although time and Askaban should have changed Sirius a lot, I guess I wouldn't have expected Gary Oldman... Nachdenken

Don`t get me wrong, I like Gary Oldman and I'm not trying to say he's not a fine looking guy, but he`s just not the perfect match for my idea. I can't put my finger on who would be the perfect match, but I guess I don`t need to either. Gary Oldman is fine with me... Grinsen
25.08.2004 16:29

RE: What was your imagination of Sirius Black?? Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden      Zum Anfang der Seite springen

@LobbyBlack, i think you are right: Sirius is really great, as it is Gary Oldman. And you're also right in wondering about how the Sirius in the movie differed from his description in the books. I thought it also by myself, me: it was strange to see Sirius with hair not as long as I had expected him to have, when he escaped from Ascaban prison. But I guess the tatoos are only made to point out clearly the gaunted outer apperance of Sirius. So that the people, who did not read the book, could think and believe instantly, that he was dangerous( as of cource he is not in the truth Augenzwinkern ). And I think that to make the people think this at first is very important, so that the end is even more surprising.
03.09.2004 15:06
AshleyBlack AshleyBlack ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 04.09.2004
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The tattoos were a good idea. But he wasn't so thin like he had to be - in my opinion. His hair was too short and he had to be more muscular. But Gary Oldman did very well.


08.10.2004 18:36 AshleyBlack ist offline E-Mail an AshleyBlack senden Homepage von AshleyBlack Beiträge von AshleyBlack suchen Nehme AshleyBlack in deine Freundesliste auf
Alicia Spinnet

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I had a different idea of Sirius, too, but I have to agree: Gary Oldman is an excellent Sirius and I really do love him! Applaus

I think there is a difference between my idea of Sirius and Gary Oldman, but I can't quite out my finger on it. After watching the movie twice this imagination was covered by the picture of Gary Oldman as Sirius... breites Grinsen
09.11.2004 21:27

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I don't really mind descriptions of people in Harry Potter, I always create my own image. For an instance, I always thought that Lockhart (the D.A.D.A. teacher who got obliviated in HP&C.O.S.) had black hair and a beard- just because that's my idea of a 'handsome looking man' (now please don't start laughing...)

But eh well, I thought Sirius Black was a quite tall man with long black hair (a little like Bill Weasley's in HP& G. O. F.). I didn't think he would behave like a mandman (like in the POA movie) but more eh, . And his clothing, I really didn't think he would wear those filthy things, I thought he'd wear a nice black Snap-like robe...

I liked Gary Oldman as Sirius, but indeed, these tattoos make him look very un-Sirius like, to my opinion... I don't really know whether I like his performance or not, it was 'quite good but not what I expected'...
22.12.2004 21:57
green eyed witch

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I must admit that I was quite shocked when I first heared that Gary Oldman is going to play Sirius.It's not,that I don't like Gary, but Sirius is my favourite character and I always imagined him to be(please don't laugh)sexy: tall,strong,VERY handsome,masculine,mysterious,with long black hair...and younger than Gary!My first choice would have been Gerry Butler breites Grinsen Did you ever see Wes Craven's Dracula?!? Imagine Dracula with longer hair: my perfect Sirius Zunge raus
31.01.2005 23:22

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I actually thought he would be quite good-looking!
Well of course I new he would look a bit tired and worn-out and everything!
But I really hoped he would look a bit better!!! Augenzwinkern

I must admit, I was expecting someone with long dark hair, too!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Britney4eva: 23.04.2005 17:28.

23.04.2005 17:27

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i think gary oldman was the perfect actor for the role of sirius black!!!
he is like i have imagine sirius!! but i think he could look better!!
23.04.2005 19:39
fifilein fifilein ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 27.06.2004
Alter: 36
Herkunft: living my dream in Southsea, England

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it was very diffrent from gary oldmann.
i always heard that he is powerful and very dangerous and so i immadiatedly associated, that, this a big, very muscular man. well, gary oldman isnt. but i am very used to him now.


23.04.2005 22:24 fifilein ist offline E-Mail an fifilein senden Beiträge von fifilein suchen Nehme fifilein in deine Freundesliste auf
Nicman Nicman ist männlich


Dabei seit: 25.03.2005
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my idea of Sirius was also different looking as Gary Oldman, but he played the role good. I thought Sirius was thinner (only bones and skin) but I think it's difficult to find such a thin actir, isn't it?

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