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Dabei seit: 20.05.2011

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The heads of three Swiss watch brands
The heads of three Swiss check out canvas painting companies Wednesday forecast more powerful income growth in 2011 in spite of the impact from the Japanese earthquake and unrest within of the center East.Francois Thiebaud, president of Swatch Groups (UHR.VX) Tissot producer stated he expects complete Swiss check out exports to beat the report achieved in 2008.Swiss check out exports can be above nfl jerseys the top peak of CHF17 billion we experienced in 2008, maybe even above 18 billion, Thiebaud informed Dow Jones Newswires in an job interview here. Watch exports could possibly be CHF17.5-18 billion, as well swiss watch brand as more.He stated Tissot, which sells timepieces within of the CHF160 to CHF 1,700 range, experienced posted double-digit growth within of the 1st two weeks of 2011.
If I start looking on the Tissot, March need to be also a superb month. The 1st quarter appears good and promising for that whole year, stated Thiebaud, who may be also president from the Swiss exhibitors on the Baselworld check out and jewellery show.He stated communion dresses he expects a comparable income tendency for that whole twelve weeks driven by recovering need in Europe and North America, and booming income in Asia.There is regularly an enormous condition for Swiss timepieces which we cannot encounter globally, Thiebaud said.His self-assurance was echoed by fellow Swatch celebration executive, Walter von Kaenel, who may be also president of Longines.
He stated 2010 was just awesome for that check out industry. Fantastic, it experienced been crazy. By all actions take place to be used for 2011 getting a good offer better than 2010. It ought getting probably the most effective twelve weeks of our history.Von Kaenel stated he expects the Japanese market to recover quickly within of the most recent earthquake and tsunami bridal gowns disaster, although booming need within of the sleep from the planet could constitute for just about any downturn in Japan.
The Japanese market was traditionally the 3rd top market for Swiss timepieces at the rear of the U.S. and Hong Kong, and experienced revealed indications of recovery from its latest slump, with Swiss check out imports up 11.5% within of the 1st two weeks of the year.However, the most rs money recent devastation could curb spending on luxury products and options on top of that to cut back the quantities of Japanese tourists, who traditionally purchase timepieces once they holiday overseas.Knowing the Japanese, they will can be found back.
maybe it will consider a few weeks of reduced company or no business, but Japan usually recovers, stated Von Kaenel.All of Longines Japanese consumers experienced confirmed their attendance at this years Baselworld show, von Kaenel said.The major devastation could possibly be the power leveling human being disaster. We are all affected. It is some thing horrible, stated Tissots Thiebaud.
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Dabei seit: 12.12.2010

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Dabei seit: 31.10.2004
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Ähm, jo!

Dieser Thread hat weder was im Sprechenden Hut noch im Forum zu suchen.^^ Ich werde den Thread deshalb mal schließen.


Liebe Grüße,
Sirius Black
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