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Hi @ all Grinsen
that is my review and i hope you think it is good Grinsen i want to hear youre opinion about my review.

My review is about the book „Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princeâ€, which is a fantasy book by J. K. Rowling. In the book there is a mysterious book. Which belongs to the Halfbloodrince. Nobody knows whose book it is. So Harry uses this book for the potion lessons. Harry is a boy, who attends Hogwarts, a wizardry school. In Hogwarts there are four houses. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. His enemy Draco Malfoy is in Slytherin. Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione, are in Gryffindor. And Harry thinks that Draco plots something, but nobody wants to believe him. And the headteacher Albus Dumbledore wants to find some details about the black wizard Lord Voldemort. He asks Harry to help him. So they find some pieces of information about Horcruxe. Horcruxe are souls of wizards, who have taken some pieces of their soul in a kreature or a thing, like a book. Lord Voldemort has made some Horcruxe. Dumbledore thinks, he has found one and Harry and Dumbledore travel to a cave. But there is not a Horcrux. When they are back in Hogwarts there is a fight. Draco Malfoy has let black wizards in. The black wizards a calling deatheaters. At the end Severus Snape kills Dumbledore. Severus Snape is a teacher but he has become a black wizard. And Snape is the Halfbloodprince.

In my opinion the book is really interesting and good. I think there are some nice characters, but some scences are a bit boring and long. But the best is the conflict between the good and the dark side.

lg 25ina25
11.04.2006 15:26
Jon K Bowling Jon K Bowling ist männlich


Dabei seit: 30.09.2004
Alter: 109

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Well - this is no review - this is a zusammefassung...Augenzwinkern
12.04.2006 13:18 Jon K Bowling ist offline E-Mail an Jon K Bowling senden Beiträge von Jon K Bowling suchen Nehme Jon K Bowling in deine Freundesliste auf
pingu pingu ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 20.04.2005
Alter: 34
Herkunft: Sachsen

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Where do you want to use your review?
As Jon K Bowling already said it its a bit like a summary (!). And I think to review the last (which was at last published Grinsen ) book from a serie is very hard and complex, because you have to explain a lot. Maybe HP and the Philosphers Stone is easier. If it is for school , i would choose this, or maybe the whole serie.

And there is a little mistake:

It must be :

The black wizards deatheaters.

Hope I could help you a bit. Augenzwinkern


12.04.2006 18:43 pingu ist offline E-Mail an pingu senden Beiträge von pingu suchen Nehme pingu in deine Freundesliste auf
Silvermoon Silvermoon ist weiblich


Dabei seit: 06.06.2005
Alter: 33

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As Jon K Bowling and pingu already said, this is more a summary than an actual review. I had to write a book review in English a couple of weeks ago, so I know what I'm talking about Augenzwinkern .
A book review contains a short summary at the beginning, in which you should briefly summarize the main points of the story. Usually, in the first sentence you mention the book's title, its author, perhaps even the year it was published, and explain in one sentence what the whole book is about. Then you sum up the story (even its end) and write something about the most important characters. This should be the smaller part.
The main part of a review, however, is your own opinion. This should not only be one sentence as for instance "I think the book is good/bad" or "I liked it very much", but an explanation of what you liked and perhaps disliked about the story, and also you liked/disliked it so much. You can write something about the different characters, or pick out several short passages that you found especially good. It can also be quite helpful to write whether you feel the book is recommendable or not.
The last sentence should be another summary - a very short summary of your own opinion, that could start like this: "All in all, I think is..."
(Perhaps you should do it like that: 1/3 summary, 2/3 review)

Now to your review, 25ina25:
First, I think it is not very clever to start with something like this: "In the book there is a mysterious book. Which belongs to the Halfbloodprince" [Here, you've made another small mistake: You shouldn't part the two sentences, because there is a relative clause (which...) that belongs to the sub clause (In the book...).] If I didn't know the book, I'd be rather confused if I read a sentence like that at the very beginning. And the next sentence (Nobody knows whose book it is), is also very confusing for those who have not read the book yet (very unlikely, I admit Augenzwinkern ), because first you actually mentioned the book's owner (Halfbloodprince).
What is more, as someone who doesn't know the story (and those people mainly read reviews) I would not be able to see any connection between a myterious book and the fact that Harry uses it for potions. Here, it would have been much better if you had first said that it is a book for advanced potion-making, that the owner calls himself "Halfbloodprince" but basically nobody has any idea who this really is.
Besides, it is not very good to say "Harry does this and that" and then explain afterwards who Harry actually is and where the whole story takes part. Perhaps if you had chosen the first book (good hint from pingu) the whole thing would have been a lot easier.
Additionally, your actual review is far too short. Augenzwinkern For instance here it says: "I think there are some nice characters, but some scenes are a bit boring and long." Why not give any examples so that the reader is able to follow your opinion?

I hope I could help you at least a bit.

P.S. In the english version, you talk about and not . Augenzwinkern


Dieser Beitrag wurde 5 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Silvermoon: 12.04.2006 23:16.

12.04.2006 22:50 Silvermoon ist offline E-Mail an Silvermoon senden Beiträge von Silvermoon suchen Nehme Silvermoon in deine Freundesliste auf

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thank you a lote Grinsen i know that it is a bit complexe for a review (eher eine zusammenfassung) but we must have done it like this ! I have corrected it and my teacher think its really good but i don`t have a new version on my computer so i can´t show you ! sorry but when I have get my note i will tell you Grinsen i know that`a bit short but normally we have had 100 words, and my review is longer than 100 words !
lg 25ina25
Sorry about my English but in that moment I`m ill and my heat hurts Traurig

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von 25ina25: 13.04.2006 10:10.

13.04.2006 10:06
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