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Thema: [User-Site] Das Winkelgassen-Forum

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Hits: 1.912
Das Winkelgassen-Forum 18.04.2014 15:28 Forum: Flohnetzwerk

Thema: [User-Fanfiction] MaryBlack's Geschreibsel

Antworten: 296
Hits: 46.293
Wow 13.01.2013 16:30 Forum: User-Fanfictions

Ich habe das Kapitel deiner FF "Charaktere unter sich" angefangen und fand es SO lustig! Fröhlich
Du kannst echt klasse schreiben! breites Grinsen
Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Kapitel und hoffe, dass sie so amüsant bleiben! Augenzwinkern
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
03.08.2012 20:19 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

I'm sorry that I was absend for so long time! Traurig
The last time was so much going on but the next days I try to write a little bit more! And my interest isn't gone. breites Grinsen
The new topic is still Joanne, right? ^^
Joanne is such a great author.
Her writing style is soo unique and to create a whole new world is, as Kathi said, certainly very difficult.
And if we are already discussing about authors ... (Is this sentence correctly?) I like Stephen King, Suzanne Collins and George R. R. Michael either! ^^ And i write also storys. Both FanFictions and my own inventions. ^^
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
29.06.2012 11:22 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

@Kathi: In fact, I've colored my hair dark brown two times! Fröhlich But not because I don't want to look like Draco! ^^
@Laila Malfoy: Yes, it would also interest me! breites Grinsen

Best wishes ^^
Puroduroo Winken
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
The Malfoys 25.06.2012 16:33 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

The Dumbledores ... hmm ... They were not among my favorites but I also don't hate them. (Can I say this?)
For me the Dumbledores were minor characters ^^
Okay, they aren't minor characters but for me they are Fröhlich
Maybe I could compare me with ... Draco Malfoy because in fact Draco isn't very brave. I'm also not brave! breites Grinsen
I'm a chicken xD
I would run away if I were faced with a war. Traurig
Apart from the fact that some mean I look a bit like him ... It isn't so! xD
I don't like Draco Flop
And when we're at it we can continue with the subject "THE MALFOYS"! Grinsen

Edit: I'm sorry that I have written nothing over the past days. Scheinheilig
I was busy with my own forum! ^^
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
21.06.2012 20:19 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

Oh ... Mine, thats right! °_°
It's after Fred's death ... It's as if he had forgotten it. ^^
Hmm ... that's very strange Verwirrt
No one forgets the death of a relative, right? :S
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
20.06.2012 18:25 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

@Lil: After I've written this post I put my HP 7.2-Blu Ray in the player and watch the scene ... I'm so excited :S

Edit: I have to admit that this scene has unfortunately left me cold xD
... I've seen that George say: Fr- and I've seen that Fred is gone but ... It's soo short ... ^^ But I love the little details in the movies (and also in the books) and when we're at it: is so creepy. It's from the scene when Neville hold a speech. I swear I Have not edit the picture. Ron looks like a daemon xD
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
20.06.2012 16:49 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

I'm sorry, I always mix up the twins! breites Grinsen
No, only Fred is dead! ... Sorry that I scared you! Unglücklich
(I feel insecure because I do not know if I write nonsense ^^)
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
20.06.2012 16:11 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

Actually, must thank . Umarmen
Because so I can learn the language with fun and that was the aim for this thread! ^^

Oh, I forgot to say: I love the passage in the book when Molly ... how can I say: Molly zeigt/gibt es Bellatrix?
Howsoever that's so funny and when I see this Scene in the movie I still get goosebumps (Google translator says that it is correct for "Gänsehaut"?! ^^)

And in the movie it was so sad, when George dies! Weinen

@Mine: The burrow was burned down only in the movie ... ^^
@Lil: The horrible aunt is really funny and I love her in the movie! ^^ I think her name is Murial or Muriel?! Keine Ahnung

Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
19.06.2012 22:45 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

I love all the preparations for the wedding of Fleur and Bill! Augenzwinkern
It's so funny, because you can actually feel the stress wich Mrs Weasley creates meanwhile! ^^ I love Mrs Weasley. She's such a great and lovely person and ... yes sometimes she's annoying but ... It's just ! Augenzwinkern
Oh, and I think that Rupert Grint is a great actor and the perfect man for the role as Ron! xD
Although it has nothing to do directly with the Weasleys, but I had to say^^

Now have fun reading my hieroglyphics! xD
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
19.06.2012 20:48 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

Yes, I think we are through with the subject. (Can I say that in English?)
And yes, I think the next subject should be "The Wesleys"! ^^
Okay, Kathi, You begin, because of your name!! xD
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
19.06.2012 19:12 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

You have not interrupted us. Every user is welcome! breites Grinsen
And I'm glad that you've the same opinion about Long-neck-Petunia! ^^
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
19.06.2012 17:39 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

Oh, yes. In Order of the phoenix Harrys behavior was so idiotic! ^^
And I promise I don't call myself stupid again! Lachen
By chance I read that with the child abuse only yesterday. Because I decide to read all the books again ... for the thousandth time! xD (Can you tell me if I make mistakes in English? ^^ Because I have the feeling that the whole text is wrong. Zunge raus )
Thema: [User-Site] Die Winkelgasse

Antworten: 0
Hits: 1.616
Die Winkelgasse 19.06.2012 14:48 Forum: Flohnetzwerk

Hey, ich würde gern mein eigenes Harry Potter-Forum presentieren. Ich hatte schonmal unter dem gleichen Namen ein Forum online und hab es hier gezeigt,
aber leider hatte ich zu dieser Zeit nicht genug Ruhe, um mich weiter darum zu kümmern.

Jetzt aber ist wieder online und hat schon einige User.
Es ähnelt wirklich sehr diesem Forum, ist aber trotzdem anders vom Aufbau, bis hin zu einigen Details, wie zu Beispiel einem Laden, der Musik spielt '', einem besonderen Punktesystem '', oder den Wohnhäusern über den Läden ... neugierig?
Außerdem wird jeden Monat der Kunde des Monats bekanntgegeben, der, der die meisten Beiträge geschrieben hat.
Auch den WinkelgassenBlog '' gibt es jetzt, in dem Updates des Forums und News rund um die Harry Potter-Welt bekanntgegeben werden!
Ich hoffe, ihr werft vielleicht einen Blick drauf und gebt ein kurzes Feedback, oder , wenn es euch gefällt!

LG Puroduroo! ''
Thema: WANTED! English-speaking Harry Potter-fan!

Antworten: 49
Hits: 25.177
19.06.2012 14:40 Forum: Abteilung für Internationale magische Zusammenarbeit

Yes, I think it was stupid with the PM! ^^
To write in this thread makes more sense! Augenzwinkern
We can sort the subjects in the order of the books.

As you have said, we should begin with the dursleys ... I hate them! And all the adjectives that you, HauselfeLilian, have used are so appropriate! Fröhlich
Dudley is the most disgusting boy I know xD
Oh ... but Petunia ... somehow I like her ... She's funny, okay, and also nasty to Harry, but Harry I don't like! ^^
Harry is so unkind to his friends! Traurig

Well, now you! Top
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