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Geschrieben von Slothy am 13.11.2010 um 20:14:


Hey Aleta.
We had one hour and it was very bad, because the time was running breites Grinsen
Yes you can write with me, i will not bite back... it is called... beast bite (not) back = BBB!!!
What books do you have to read in school?

Geschrieben von Aleta am 13.11.2010 um 21:52:


I'm sorry, but it seems as if I'm to tired to check what you mean. beast bite not back? Nachdenken Fröhlich

Oh, one hour is mean. I was so happy at the beginning of this year when we finally got our four hours Grinsen Grinsen

I have to read "Der Process" of Kafka... and I'm really not looking forward to it. and "Der Besuch der alten Dame" of Dürrenmatt. this is - not funny, but somehow great. I really enjoyed reading it.

and our last one - hell, apparently I'm too tired to think, but I don't know why Fröhlich
Well, if I can remember what our last book is, I'll tell you. My german teacher kills me, if she ever learns that I forgot one of our Abi-Topics ^^

EDIT: well, exactly at the moment I clicked on save post, I remembered. I should have known.
Our third book is "Kohlhaas". And I don't know yet what to think of this Fröhlich

Geschrieben von Slothy am 13.11.2010 um 22:39:


think about it... uh, I´m not a beast. I can bite if I wont it and I would make it somtimes to the teachers. Lachen
I didn´t hear about this books yet and we will not tead so much books just one in one year, because our teacher is very slowly and we need half of a year for one book. And then she says: " I will try to do it fast." It´s the opposite of that she do. She´s a fool.

Geschrieben von Aleta am 13.11.2010 um 22:48:


only teachers? I also know some pupils I'd like to bite sometimes Fröhlich
you're not a beast? Sure? Zunge raus

We have to read this three books in two years, in which we also have to handle with poems (about love...? -.- ^^) and grammar in itself, because in two years we have our Abi and we have to be able then to write about these topics... ^^

I'm really happy that my teacher is not so slow. that would be terrible. but in the last years I also only read one book in the year (well, in German. then there were English and Spanish books, so I normally read more Fröhlich but in different classes).

I have to write a classtest in chemistry on Monday... Traurig I hate chemistry! Traurig

Geschrieben von Slothy am 13.11.2010 um 23:17:


we would never write a class term in this subject. I hate it!!!

Verärgert uh, I´m very tired... but I make something with photoshop. Maybe I give you a link Zunge raus

Geschrieben von Aleta am 14.11.2010 um 12:05:


no classtest in chemistry? how's that possible? :O Fröhlich

photoshop? gimp is so much better Augenzwinkern but give me the link, I'm really interested.^^
what are you doing? I mean, which "topic" has your picture?

Yes, I was very tired too, so I went to bed Augenzwinkern without saying goodbye - I'm really rude Fröhlich

Geschrieben von Slothy am 14.11.2010 um 21:31:


Fröhlich Rude Aleta! Ãt´s a shame!
No photoshop is on my laptop from the first moment, very handy!
No classterm in chemistry! I think I love our school, but often I hate it to sit there everyday and learn and learn and only learn things we will not need in future!

Geschrieben von Aleta am 15.11.2010 um 17:32:


I'm so sorry. I'll stand in the next corner and be ashamed of myself Fröhlich

I wanna go to your school, too. Why don't you have a classtest in chemistry? Mine was terrible, so I'd like to swap.
But you're right, especially in Maths. I'm always sitting there "I'll never again need this, so why do I have to learn it?" Augenzwinkern

I have to admit that I never used photoshop, but I'm very content with Gimp, so I'll probably never change this Augenzwinkern

Geschrieben von Slothy am 18.11.2010 um 21:23:


Today was a bad day. I´ve got an accident and now... my leg is having an ache. I hate it! Verärgert

uh, I don´t know wether it´s better if you have a classtest in chemistry. So you learn more than iat our school.
Did you have the exams in the tenth class?

Geschrieben von Aleta am 18.11.2010 um 22:06:


Ouch, that sounds bad. What did you do?

Well, probably it's not bad, but I hate chemistry and I hate learning for it, so... Augenzwinkern

Uf. I had something like a classtest in Maths, English and German, which counted twice as much as a normal classtest. do you mean that?
but as I have Abi next year, I didnt have "real" exams. once is more than enough Augenzwinkern

Geschrieben von antschi333 am 22.11.2010 um 19:47:


hey guys breites Grinsen
how r u all doing? Grinsen

i like this english corner and so i thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to say hello to all of you Grinsen )

Geschrieben von Aleta am 22.11.2010 um 20:34:


Hi and welcome Grinsen
since Slothy seems to be on a voyage to the moon or something, I got quite lonely, so it's great that you're here now Grinsen

how r u?

Geschrieben von Marauderlady am 20.12.2010 um 15:32:


Hey you xD
Pretty cool to find an english corner here^^
expecially because`I´m reading and watching harry potter 90% in english ^^

How are you all ?

Geschrieben von Kathi Weasley am 20.12.2010 um 18:27:


Hey guys,
how are you all and how's the weather?
If it's snowy, it's like my place here... Top
I hope you all enjoy christmas time...

Geschrieben von Raum der Wünsche am 20.12.2010 um 19:41:


Fine, thank you.

It´s very snowy, but I have to go to school. And tomorrow there will be a volleyball tournament. I hope I won´t breck my fingers or anything, because I´m really bad at all kind of sports Traurig Augen rollen

Do you already have all christmas presents?

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