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--- Where would you go and what would you do? (http://forum.harrypotter-xperts.de/thread.php?threadid=8469)

Geschrieben von DalaMagic am 16.05.2005 um 14:40:

  Where would you go and what would you do?


I just wondered where you would go and what you would do if you would be able to enter the wizarding world.

I reackon I d buy a house near Malfoy Manor and visiting Knockturn Alley sometimes as well as searching for reasons to visit Hogwarts.

What about you?


Geschrieben von hermiogin am 16.05.2005 um 17:57:


I would love to live in Hogsmeade together with all the other wizards.
And of course i would sneak into Hogwarts to see Draco, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny. And i would visit the shop of the twins.

Geschrieben von penelope am 16.05.2005 um 18:51:


I´d like to live in London,perhaps not far from Diagon Alley.In London there is the ministry ,too and St mungo´s,I think diagon alley ist one of the most interesting places in the wizard world(apart from hogwarts and the department of mysteries)What do you think?

Geschrieben von green eyed witch am 16.05.2005 um 19:03:


I think,I would move to London and spend my holidays in Hogsmeade. breites Grinsen

Geschrieben von Sabina am 24.05.2005 um 17:01:


Well, at first, I would love to visit the ministry of magic - most of all the department of mysteries - it´s so fascinating! I would go to hogwarts to see all these people and to learn magic. and of course I would visit the diagon alley and hogsmeade. A pity all this don't really exist Fröhlich

Geschrieben von Siriusa am 25.05.2005 um 09:45:

  RE: Where would you go and what would you do?

Well, if it would be possible to enter the wizarding world, I'd like to go to Hogwarts and first learn all the magic things they teach there. And after that I'd like to have a little shop in Diagon Alley where I would sell clothes for witches and wizards, because I think they really need some more fashionable clothes... Fröhlich Augenzwinkern

Geschrieben von Moonblood am 25.05.2005 um 16:53:


I would like to live in Diagon Alley and work at Gringotts. Augenzwinkern

Greetings, Moonblood

Geschrieben von Severus Snape 84 am 25.05.2005 um 18:59:

  RE: Where would you go and what would you do?


I would like to be a teacher in Hogwarts. And I woudn´t like to go shopping at the Diagon Alley. Oh Hogsmead is good, for Holidays.

Ps: Sorry my English is not good, I hope you understand me.


Geschrieben von Nicman am 26.05.2005 um 14:34:


Oh, that's a difficult question. I'd Like to do all the things.
The wizarding world must be so interesting. I would go to Hogwarts first to learn all the Spells and Potions, that you need for "professional joke-produce" and then work for Fred and George in Diagon Alley. Taht must be a kind of Dream-job.


Geschrieben von Cassy am 26.05.2005 um 21:44:


That sounds like the most perfect plan. I'd love to be in Hogwarts. It must be awseome. And I love the Twins very much and suppose life with them must be extremely funny. So I guess, working in their shop would be rather great. Either that, or I would like to be a teacher at Hogwarts. Did you recognize the lack of creativity in Hogwarts? No music, no arts etc. I would like to change that.^^

Geschrieben von ChingChuan am 10.07.2005 um 21:08:


Well, it depends... If it's only for one day, I would do anything to prevent going back to the Muggleworld again...

But if it was for ever? I think I'd go and find a job at Hogwarts, I like teaching on Harry Potter Forums, so I also think I'd like teaching at Hogwarts...
I think I'd teach Transfiguration because I now know quite a lot about it, but if it were possible I'd teach Wandless Magic Augenzwinkern .

Geschrieben von nevill am 12.07.2005 um 11:30:


why are we suddenly speeking in english?
i would learn at hogwarts how to use magic and how to fly

Geschrieben von DonJamal am 16.10.2005 um 10:49:


i really would like to go to Hogwarts, it just fascinate me...

Geschrieben von Nosferatu am 24.10.2005 um 14:07:


I'd like to work in a magical research facility and try to invent a shield-spell that can parry an unforgivable curse.
Studying Defense against the dark Arts would bid as well xD

Ah, okay, I admit, I would become a Death Eater xD
But pealse, don't beat me Scheinheilig

Geschrieben von dracoXharry.is.too.cute am 17.04.2011 um 16:53:


I dunno, what to do in wizarding world, when I won't be in Hogwarts. So I would go to Hogwarts, learn to perform magic perfectly and find a jinx that create all my favorite characters from HP Fröhlich
Then I live with all my Favos in one big dormitory. No, I was joking, but it realy would be boring, if there weren't Snape and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco etc. ^^

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